If you want to be good at badminton, you need to learn some basic skills. Then combine these skills, skillfully use them together and get your own characteristics. And if you skillfully use it, then you can also become a badminton master!
However, what are badminton skills?
What can we learn and get in touch with ourselves?
Next, let me introduce you to assessment
11 technical moves in badminton
1. Kill ball
(The hardest technology to learn)
2. Catch ball
(The easiest technique to learn)
3. Place ball in front of net
(One of necessary technologies before Internet)
4. Ball from long range
(The most basic skills of amateur players)
5, forehead
(Technology of confusing opponents)
6. Ball
(network attack technique)
7, high ball
(Defensive Adjustment Technique)
8. Ball Friction
(Technology that demonstrates pleasant sensations)
9. Push ball
(Fast Flat Results Technology)
10. Hook
(Surprise Technique)
11. Pull ball
How about
Do you think professional tech movements are especially cool?
Are you ready to move in?
Your hands are itchy and you want to grab a racket right away to play a game?
So, before learning these skills
What is most important thing?
Hold your racket! ! !
Learning how to hold a racket is first step! ! !
For beginners in badminton
I don't even know racket, what technique do I want to learn?
And for those who have been playing for a long time
But there is still no improvement for golfers
It's time to check details of your racket grip yourself
All tagged?
Let's go! !
Lesson 1 - Capturing
The racket grip can be divided into a basic grip before hitting ball, a grip transformation when hitting ball hard, and a grip returning to zero after hitting ball.
The base grip is basis for other conversion grips. A grip conversion is a grip conversion based on a basic grip, for example: hitting a ball hard and handling special balls can be called a grip conversion.
A zero-return grip consists of returning to its original position after a grip change. The goal is to react quickly to an incoming ball in order to facilitate response and return of ball along different routes.
Generally speaking, following grip states exist in badminton. Based on basic grip, it can be divided into right grip and left grip. It can be divided into an active hit grab and a passive hit to grab onto net.
It needs to be clarified here that many people think that basic grip is right hand grip. This is not true. Hold racket inside and swing racket hard to hit ball.
Relationship between transforming different capture states
Only a standardized and sensible grip can ensure consistency and variability in striking action. Limited by range of motion of human bones and joints, way racket is gripped and mastery of finger strength plays an important role in hitting ball. An incorrect grip cannot respond flexibly to changing ball requirements, so grip must have a certain degree of scientificity and rationality in order to provide favorable power, favorable ball control, favorable return to different lines, and favorable stroke sequence. movements Basic requirements for sex and mutation.
Standard basic right and left grip
Common wrong grips
Note: The above errors are that grip method is used to hold racket, and palm is not empty, tiger's mouth is empty, thumb does not fit on wide surface of handle, a certain gap is not kept between last three fingers, index finger naturally does not placed on wide side.
Front grip
Applause from right is like two people shaking hands face to face to say hello. Place your thumb on wide side of handle, below your index finger. The palm is empty and tiger's mouth is empty. The first three fingers hold a certain gap. Place last two fingers together and firmly grasp end of handle. The thumb and forefinger control angle and direction of rotation of racket surface, which is key to controlling ball's trajectory, arc and precise landing point. Grip strength is best when the fingertips are slightly white.
Right grip (hukou empty, palm empty)
Compression is better when fingertips are slightly white
Left hand grip
In backhand, inside of thumb sits on slanted edge of wide grip surface, and position is slightly higher than index finger. backhand and increases angle of backhand. The position of thumb and forefinger of backhand plays a role in controlling direction of ball. The other four fingers are below thumb and are held on an adjacent wide surface. There is a gap between index and middle fingers, and ring finger. Hold pen firmly with your ring finger and little finger. Grip strength is best when fingertips are slightly white.
Fingers before backhand
Without a backhand, thumb is on side
The first three fingers of left hand control angle and direction of rotation of racket
The basis of a two-fingered backhand before and after a backhand
Compression is better when fingertips are slightly white
For beginners, importance of grip is obvious. All kinds of advanced badminton technique must be completed with last hit, and racquet grip is starting point of a series of actions, if grip is not correct, quality of finishing hit will be greatly reduced.
Refused to hold racquet incorrectly so that learning to play badminton goes in right direction from very beginning.
Please pay attention to public WeChat account "Xiong Guobao Badminton Club"
September 05, 2023
Tens of thousands of badminton tactics, first is to hold racket
Tacticians in badminton tens of thousands, first serve, strikes not standardized, and teammates cry
Learn basics of badminton in one article, grab a badminton racket and play together.
Currently most complete basic badminton skills, my first reaction is to collect it!