How to learn badminton on your own?

If you want to play badminton well, you must first pay attention to basic skills and complex basic skills, and consider them from a long-term perspective and development.

1. Basics

Good technique or not is closely related to how you hold your racket.

⑴You must keep racket alive

Before hitting ball, never hold racket tight (it's wrong to hold racket tight), only when you are going to hit ball with force, hold racket firmly, which helps to show strength. When you're done hitting ball, return to a relaxed grip.

⑵Need to change grip

Porhand and backhand, active and passive, acting out various techniques, position of fingers holding racket (mainly thumb, index and middle fingers) must be changed.

⑶Handle must be loosened

Don't cling to handle of tiger's mouth, pay special attention to controlling strength and making "twisting" of fingers, which will help improve delicate skills such as passing in front of net, throwing, catching. and network blocking.

The advantage of proper technique lies in ability to use strength of various parts of upper limbs—shoulder, upper arm, forearm, wrist, and fingers—in an intelligent and coordinated manner.

Especially explosive power of wrist and flexibility of fingers.

When using force, pay attention to good control:

The amount of force, speed of concert and change of direction - all these factors directly affect quality of technique.

Let's talk about consistency, stealth and suddenness of technical movements.

It is said that several different techniques should be used in preparation.

It's just that at moment of hitting ball, different forces are used and different movements are made.

Either explode, or control power, or change direction.

For example, use preparatory action of hitting ball to throw or hit a high ball, use preparatory action (posture) to kill a straight ball to kill opposite corner...

Zhao Jianhua's method has a characteristic that makes it difficult for an opponent to judge and increases (or enhances) threat.

2. Footwork basics

If you've mastered good technique but don't have proper footwork, you will often affect your strength or be unable to complete your moves due to poor footwork and your kicks will be inaccurate, resulting in errors or going into a passive position.

Whichfootworkis correct?

Firstly, in preparation for action, center of gravity of body is placed between left and right legs and constantly shifts.

For right-handed racquet holders, right foot is slightly forward of left foot and left heel is off ground. The body's center of gravity is constantly shifting between forefoot of left foot and right foot. This preparatory action helps start footwork.

Second, start footwork

Adjust center of gravity of body, quickly take a step with left foot;

Third, note use of hip strength and rotation (left and right rotation along longitudinal axis of body) to perform pivot and push-up.

For example, after hitting ball with head, spin in both directions, strength of kick when catching net, etc.

Using hips to rotate body is faster than rotating waist, and force is also greater. In addition, excessive use of waist will cause excessive localized stress on waist, resulting in bruising from strain.

Fourthly, lower limbs (meaning feet) should move faster

Including quick start and quick return, many people notice quick start and ignore quick return, which is not conducive to next start step.

The above basics help you get started quickly and improve footwork flexibility.

When a judgment error occurs, it can quickly make adjustments and restart.

There are three types of footwork: active, passive and transitional.

In general, active footwork (offensive footwork) has a higher body center of gravity and a higher point of impact.

The main method used is pedal jump and pedal step method.

Passive footwork (defensive footwork) has a low center of gravity of body and a low point of impact. Most of them take a small step with their left foot and then a big step with their right foot.

Transitional gait with center of gravity between first two gaits.

Neither high nor low, steps are a bit slower and cross steps can be used.

The main function is to adjust body's center of gravity to make next step easier.

In process of confrontation, active and passive, offensive and defensive or stalemate actions are constantly changing.

The height of body's center of gravity must change over time.

Basic technical exercises

Includes: highball, canopy, smash and net, etc.

Practicing basic skills should go from simple to complex.


From stationary to moving, from single to double row;

From combined use of two techniques (such as: high throw and throw, smash and throw, throw and frontal throw, etc.) to a combination of several techniques;

From a fixed ball trajectory to a variable one;

From standing strikes (active), to multi-point (including passive) strikes, etc., it gradually develops into tactical and technical training, such as: offensive and defensive exercises, management exercises and counter-management, etc.

Physical training

In addition to basic technical and footwork exercises, other aspects such as:

Strength, speed, rebound, endurance, agility, coordination, etc. should be distributed proportionally over time to improve fitness, which is basis for injury prevention and high volume training.

September 09, 2023