Nothing is Impossible: An 8-Day Intense Training Plan for Badminton Beginners

What can you do in eight days: write a report, draw a drawing, or lose two cat fats? In fact, you have a better choice. How about learning a sport that will tone your body and help you look good in eight days? It will take you only eight days to learn basics of badminton.


Basic equipment: rackets, badminton, badminton shoes, sportswear - all this is necessary for learning game.

As a beginner, there is no need to choose special professional equipment if you have good financial conditions, of course, more professional better!

In terms of racquet selection, you can choose from medium to low end racquets from brands such as Kawasaki, Kaisheng and Freys. Never choose a steel racquet that costs tens of dollars, as these steel racquets are very heavy and can easily injure your wrist.

Generally, you can choose a ball that can fly normally, and a regular ball costs about 35 yuan per tube.

As long as shoe is a non-slip sports shoe, it's not too late to buy professional badminton shoes after leveling up.

Day 1. Pick up racket, hit ball high, pick up the ball

It's easy to learn how to hold a racket. With your left hand, hold shaft of racket so that front of racket is perpendicular to ground. Think of racket as other hand. Extend your right hand and shake hands with it.

You should not miss process of getting to know racket and ball. Get familiar with racket by calling out "right" and "backhand", turning handle with your fingers to turn racket, and familiarize yourself with ball by lunging with your right foot and tossing ball up. half an hour without a break, and you will feel that racket has become one with you.

There are no shortcuts to learning how to swing, serve and pick, you can only practice taking turns. Remember that difference between a pick and a high ball is that striking posture is to lunge with your right foot forward.

Day 2. Web footwork, meshing and rubbing

The reason you learn moves and poses in front of net first is because they are much easier to learn than backcourt moves. Before overcoming difficulties, be sure to take some time to familiarize yourself with what you have learned. day before.

To learn footwork, you must first walk, then run, take one step, then two steps, then three steps.

In fact, netting is easy to learn, as long as you place your racket obliquely on mouth of net and wait for ball to go through net, you can lightly touch ball. The main thing is to master power of touch. Remember that in beginning you can bend your arms and place racket on net and wait. After you can skillfully touch ball over net, you must learn to straighten your arms. Frontal action.

Consistent footwork and mesh. Also start by hitting ball with one step into net, step by step. In last few minutes of day's activity, you can try ball rubbing. Unlike netting, ball rubbing adds cutting action at moment of impact. You can think of mesh as a big watermelon and cut it diagonally. This action is a little tricky, so it doesn't matter if you can't master it now.

Day 3: Backcourt Footwork

The main content of this day is an overview. 20 minutes to review high and long shots and one hour to check footwork and net before net. Studying some time ago can be boring, but you have to persevere.

The footwork practice in backcourt is same as in frontcourt, from one step to two steps, and then to three steps, from decaying movements to coherent movements. Be sure to pay attention to pivot before kicking into backcourt. When you feel that your body is twisted and uncoordinated in process of retreat, you must relearn textbook until you find a coordinated and coherent feeling of retreating to backcourt, and you are done.

Day 4. Learn to hit ball

On day I practice only high and long shots, and it will not be boring at all thanks to following tips:

Even though I spent a lot of time reviewing day before, let's serve ten minutes first today.

Consider footwork in backcourt.

Watching others hit ball, you should be surprised by this complex action. I'll teach you a simple trick. Raise your arms flat and face net sideways, take badminton in your right hand and throw ball forward with maximum force, in fact this is a complete movement of ball for a long distance without throwing racket. !

Stand sideways next to curtain and swing racket slowly, asking racket not to touch fabric. The goal is to stop racket from swinging sideways and hit ball at its highest point.

You can use slow motion by swinging racket next to curtain. Hang ball high in air, simply reach racquet towards highest hitting ball, which helps to reinforce action and practice high hitting balls.

Day 5. Learn to hit ball

Check delivery and clean action.

Consider a high ball game.

Consecutive movement with a high ball and footwork.

Receive serve - hit ball high and far.

Throw high balls. If effect of receiving serve is still not very good, then reduce time of this step. Remember that premise of any learning is groundedness, not desire for quick success.

Day 6. Defeat and Throw

Overview of maintenance and network activities.

Full review.

Learn how to break ball. In fact, action of a breaking ball and a highball is basically same, but there are differences between moment ball is hit and point of impact on ball: highball must apply force up and forward, and throw is facing front of ball, and wrist does nothing. hitting ball overhead. At moment of hitting ball, you should press with your wrist, hit ball forward and down, and point of impact is slightly forward of top of your head.

Examine forehead. Learn forehead based on strike. The difference between forehead and strike is also in moment of hitting ball: a strike is when racket is facing ball, and a strike is an oblique strike.

When you start practicing these two moves, don't take into account height and landing point of ball.

Day 7 Review

Send feedback.

An overview of movements and footwork in front area.

An overview of footwork and movement in backcourt.

An overview of friction, impact, impact and complex movements.

In today's review, everything is with ball, you can play against each other, or you can find a master who will train you. After each part is mastered, let's play whole game.

Eighth day to check passes

We can finally fight each other. But also note that during sparring, as soon as you feel that any footwork or movement is uncomfortable and natural, you should first put ball aside and take a freehand view. If any ball is not caught, you must also take "catch" action. At the same time, practice strengthening your weaknesses.

September 17, 2023