1. Learning objectives:
(1) Familiarize yourself with venue and rules of badminton, as well as special knowledge related to badminton.
(2) Learn key points of right and left grip technique, backswings, golf practice, basic footwork, etc.
(3) Based on correction of some obvious mistakes, focus on mastering basic skills of badminton, strengthen comprehensive training of basic skills, and increase complexity of training. Understand and master basics of general tactics combined with personal technical characteristics to conduct comprehensive ball practice, reinforce basic tactical awareness of attacking weaknesses and pressing.
(4) Develop comprehensive physical training and increase special physical training accordingly.
(5) Organize and participate in various competitive games.
2. Content and order of training:
Planning Phase 1
(1), learn key points of right and left grip technique (the correct grip is to first hold racquet's waist bar with your left hand, position racquet face perpendicular to ground, and then align your right hand's mouth with inside edge of racquet's face to Hold racket handle in a handshake style, keep your little finger, ring finger, and middle finger together, index finger slightly separated, thumb and middle fingers close, and end of handle roughly flush with hypothenar muscle. Mastering correct grip method is first step in playing game. badminton step. Because only right grip can fully reveal role of fingers and wrists when hitting ball.)
(2), swing training
(3), practice with a high ball (high ball is base skill of basic badminton skills)
The ball swing can be divided into four stages of decomposition:
1. Raise racket: body from side of hand holding racket, starting from lower limbs, turn back and turn sideways, and at same time raise racket from middle and lower side of body to back and upper shoulder of hand holding racket, body at a right angle (or slightly less than a right angle) to arrow, and arrow to forearm. The racket should be as parallel to net as possible. Fake racket! Objective - Raise your racket and get ready to hit ball!
2. Kicking and twisting to drive racket: The side holding racket applies force from foot and pushes forward to make body turn forward at same time. The shoulder forces large arm to move forward quickly, and elbow as high as possible and close to head. The side, forearm and racket are relaxed and laid back. Half empty racket grip! Goal - Concentrate physical strength!
3. Inserting racket to apply force: forearm applies force and quickly moves over shoulder, stops directly over shoulder, rotates forearm inward and at same time fully holds racket. The goal is to hit ball!
4. Take advantage of trend and naturally close racket on other side of body. Purpose: To dissolve remaining force after hitting ball and protect the joints from injury!
Plan of second stage
1. Repeat grip technique
2. View Swing (practicing ball swing from right)
3. Play golf
Fourthly, practice basic footwork (footwork is divided into: 1, pure footwork 2, moving midfield footwork 3, back
Field footwork. Footwork training is very important. Most footwork starts on right foot and ends on right foot as well. )
Plan of third stage
1. Repeat swing action (practice swinging ball to right)
2. Practice basic footwork (cross stride practice, long stride practice, parallel stride practice) (front and back footwork)
Third, practice of juggling ball (feeling ball)
Fourthly, play golf
Step 4 Planning
1. Analyze swings (working out swings on right and left, practicing swinging ball on right)
2. Practice basic footwork (front and back legs)
Third, practice of juggling ball (feeling ball)
Fourthly, play golf
5. Serve skills training (high and long balls, flat high balls, short balls)
Step 5 agreement
1. Check swing
2. Practice basic footwork (left and right)
Third, practice
Fourthly, practicing basic technique (take ball, throw ball)
Handball technique: 1. Right hand technique
2. Overhead Throw Technique
3. Backhand Technique
Six Stages
1. Check swing
2. Practice footwork (network footwork)
3. Practicing basic technique (picking and passing)
Arrangement of plan of seventh stage
1. Check swing
2. Footwork practice (web footwork, classroom footwork)
3. Exercises for basic technique (selection, throw, netball)
4. Double Practice
Phase 8
1. Check swing
2. Footwork practice (web footwork, classroom footwork)
3. Practicing basic techniques (rebounding, lobbying, netball, hitting)
4. Double Practice
Notes: Learning to play badminton is mainly divided into three stages: first stage is introduction of basic skills. Racquet grip, racket swing, basic front and back court technique, basic footwork from back to front, from back to front. The second stage is integration and application of technical skills and primary tactical awareness. Various front, middle, and rear technical drills, as well as actual combat training, began to explain how these technologies enable tactical awareness in real combat. The third stage is change and improvement of purely tactical awareness. The technology is mostly in place, and training is pure tactical awareness. The purpose of daily training is equivalent to practice of martial arts to ensure condition.
Special elements for primary learning:
1. Learn grip
2. Grip and wrist exercises and rebound
3. Right feed
4. Return
5. Return and footwork power
6. Full footwork
7. High ball footwork
Special Elements of Intermediate Learning B:
1. Doubles Service Skills
2, double return
3, doubles position
4. Introduction to long range ball play and fixed point drills
5. Introduction to ball hitting and fixed point exercises
6. Start of catching and hitting ball
7. Getting started with rebounding and fixed point exercises
8, An introduction to hacking, lobbying, and fixed-point practices
9, Introduction to Netball and Fixed Point Exercises
10. Getting started with Flat Swing & Fixed Point Practice
Notes: Watch general video for specific badminton skills that are concise and easy to understand, such as hitting, hooking, hooking...
Weekly workout plan:
First week
Warm up 5 minutes before start of game to prevent sports injuries and ensure physical health in first place.
Each pair must practice high and long shots for 10 minutes, trying to get into opponent's bottom line, but pay attention to effort and try not to touch boundary. (In doing so, pay attention to correction of way racket is held, decomposition of standard action of throwing a high ball and pulling a high ball)
In groups of two, practice your right hand and catch for 20 minutes
(Hit for right: preparatory posture and action of hitting before hitting ball is basically same as hitting high ball with right hand. And explosive power of hand and wrist to hit ball with all its power, and hold racket firmly in moment of hitting ball.)
If there are enough space resources, try to train in singles with two, combine skills and tactics that you usually learn, test yourself in real combat, find out your shortcomings and improve. In general, in pair practice, try to fix pair coordination as much as possible. Each time you cooperate, you will gradually become silent understanding. In addition, in pair practice, you can better develop your personal badminton level, find flaws, compensate for gaps, and achieve each practice. There are improved and improved effects.
If you don't have free time, you can play with badminton racquet, for example by turning racquet or paying attention to correcting way you hold racquet.
Second week
Each warm-up and stretching of ball is a routine and well-established workout. The duration can be controlled by yourself. If this doesn't suit you, you can stretch more. After all, this is most basic badminton skill.
In groups of two, practice pulling and hanging tactics for 20 minutes, develop quality shots, try to catch position as accurately as possible and pay attention to feel and feel of ball (long and short throws). , accurate placement, each ball is close to ball) Four corners of opponent's court, and his stalemate ability is strong, so that opponent can run longest distance in field. Players with this style of play have a strong defense ability, and this is usually fight with multiple shots. Often can be mobilized through multiple shots, The quality of opponent's recoil is not high, to get opportunity to attack. This style of play makes opponent run a large range and reciprocate more times.)
Double practice for 30 minutes
Third week
Pre-workout warm-up and stretching up and down
In groups of two, practice net rubbing, pushing, hooking, etc. for 30 minutes.
1. Tryuse top half of racket frame to rub ball.
2. Do not divide into high tennis, low tennis, close to ground... (some so-called masters are more fond of such a classification, complicating simple things) Actually, things with ordinary laws as a whole, just don't complicate and don't make any classifications. This looks like markings on various parts of human body, but it's still a human body no matter how you look at it.
3. No matter what kind of ball it is, you must grasp ball holder to rub ball; basically use your fingers to control surface of racket and use your wrist to help control direction of ball. , but generally do not use arm strength; whole rubbing action is from start to hit, try not to do flexion and extension of elbow joint, otherwise it will affect feel when rubbing ball, making it difficult for you to control ball Hold large and small weapons at an angle of about 150-170 degrees.
4. There are two training methods: one is two people rub ball over net, other is a partner throws ball and you rub ball. Both methods require practice and cannot replace each other.
5. Exercise for half an hour every day. Pay unconditional attention to making full use of every opportunity to rub ball in normal play, such as picking up ball from ground and shaking it into air and then rubbing. and then catch it with your hands, or throw it. When they give you ball, you just rub it and catch it with your hands...
6. 30% of level of possession of a small ball depends on talent, and 70% - on daily practice. Remember that small ball skills are honed. Many experiences at an advanced stage are exclusively related to sensation of hands. At present, words or diagrams cannot make this clear.
7. When hooking to opposite angle, bend your elbow slightly to accommodate point of impact. Pay attention to three dots, whether hook is a forehand or a backhand. The direction from central axis of body to touchline is outside central axis, and direction towards center line of court is within central axis), second is to hit side of ball as hard as possible, that is, to hit ball holder and at same time, which is easier control. Bend your elbow slightly, and again, goal is for racquet's trajectory to be parallel to ground when you hook ball, not a parabolic trajectory.September 19, 2023
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