Basic badminton footwork training, seven-point footwork and three-point technique will allow you to run all over court with ease!
When right (left) foot takes a step forward (backward), back foot follows it, and then same foot takes another step in same direction, which is a step.
Steps are commonly used to adjust step distance so that you can quickly and accurately reach point of impact and not cause running examples to be misjudged due to panic.
The left and right feet alternately move forward, sideways or backward in a cross step, other foot in front is called a forward cross step and other foot behind is called a backward cross step.
Cross-pitch tends to backtrack more when playing in backcourt. It is suitable for long-distance movement and is usually used for movement between front and rear areas.
Small steps:
Movement with short, intersecting strides is called short stride, which is characterized by short stride length and high stride frequency.
Small steps are commonly used at beginning of a start or return, which can greatly increase speed of start and return, indirectly increase the player's reaction time, and allow for faster reaction to an incoming ball.
When right foot moves forward (or backward) one step, left foot immediately takes a step towards right heel, and then right foot moves forward (or backward) one step, which is called a parallel step.
Parallel is usually used for one-way traffic in frontcourt or rearcourt. It is suitable for short distance travel and allows for more precise and flexible reaching of impact point.
Select and Rotate:
With one foot as pivot, other foot is used to kick back or forward.
Increase your speed in turns and shifts to quickly change direction of difficult backhands and turn them into forehands.
Pedal pitch:
In last step of movement, when left foot is pushed back hard, right foot takes a large step towards ball, which is called a step.
It is mainly used to hit ball into net, and is also often used when moving ball around two corners of bottom line of backcourt. A larger step allows you to quickly reach point of impact to complete attack.
The bouncing step can be divided into two types: first is jumping with lead foot (or both feet) while catching ball in net, or moving to both sides for a surprise kill; this is when opponent hits high ball, use your right foot (or both feet) to kill ball when it jumps to highest point.
Special footwork for hitting ball can increase power of hitting ball and increase angle of hitting ball. This is most aggressive footwork.
September 22, 2023
A detailed explanation of ten basic footwork in badminton so that you can improve your footwork.
Basic moving footwork in badminton, more observation and more learning is royal way.
The slow motion shows classic badminton footwork, concise and crisp.