Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

On-the-spot dribbling training is most basic dribbling training that can greatly improve ball handling skills. Even NBA players will always continue to practice dribbling on spot. Get a really good dribbling streak on spot. to help you find your dribbling status.

Nothing special. Mr. Skills brings you a whole set of on-site dribbling drills today.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Warm-up - mainly to give body a chance to get familiar with feeling of dribbling first:

Hit ball vigorously 10 times to get your hand used to feeling ball.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Raise ball with your fingers 5 times, trying to touch ball as quickly as possible with your fingertips.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Tap your head 5 times back and forth, also as quickly as possible.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

5 movements back and forth along waist.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Rotate ball with both feet and knees 5 times back and forth.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Row ball with one knee 5 times back and forth, remembering to do same with other foot.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

5 Tapping on perineum in form of a figure eight.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Row ball with one foot and two feet 5 times, pay attention to how movement is performed, make a circle with one foot and then with both feet.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Okay, warm-up is over, let's start formal dribbling practice on spot:

20 low dribblings, dribbling height should not exceed knee, arm is straight, ball is quickly picked up by fingers, left and right hands are practiced

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Lead with one arm around leg 5 times on both sides.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Follow ball in a figure-eight pattern, backstab straight and look ahead.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Dribble vertically with one hand, lower your center of gravity and increase your speed as much as possible, keep your elbow position fixed and move with your forearm only.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

When dribbling left and right in a V shape, you only need to move your forearm and keep your elbow in a fixed position.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

V-dribbling back and forth with your entire arm.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Combine this and do an L-shaped V-dribbling with both hands.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Cross dribbling, you might be tired, keep going! Do not bend over, straighten your back, look up and forward.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

10 crotch dribbles, then switch legs and repeat.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Dribble crosswise, also switch legs to do it again.

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

The figure-eight crotch dribbling, stick with it!

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Dribble behind your back, keep a strong dribbling, if you're tired, drop ball easily, pick it up, keep going, it'll be over soon!

Teach you how to quickly improve your dribbling, Curry does this before game

Last step, crotch + back dribble, do both sides, last step!

Okay, all training here is over. This on-site dribbling training set is very challenging, but I believe that if you can persevere and complete it, it will be very helpful in improving your dribbling level.

As a reminder, all of this dribbling training is based on your specific dribbling abilities. If you are a beginner, you can check out basic dribbling tutorial provided by Skill Jun. You don't have to think about eating a big fat man in one bite, step by step, and stepping on every step is most important thing!

May 12, 2023