NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

Hi everyone, I'm Skill Jun!

Welcome to the latest tutorial!

NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

Hi everyone, I'm Mr. Skill

Today we will learn a trick,

Practical and great skills

famous trainer DJ Sackmann

Let me teach you one-handed frontal change of direction and a joint trial step!

NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

One-handed frontal change

This very simple method of passing people

is to use palm and arm to change height and direction of ball while dribbling, in combination with a fake head and eyes from side of dribbler. pass defender's technique,

Let's find out more about it!

NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

Link to analysis

First of all, when we use this trick,

The center of gravity must be stable,

While facing defensive one-handed front,

The body must shake a little to interact with drop,

Protection swaying effect will be better!

NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

If you can't shake guard with one hand,

In meantime, let's check one more step,

Test step in opposite direction,

Attract center of gravity of protection to deflection,

For a quick break and downtime other way!

NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

When using this trick, center of gravity should be lowered,

At same time, body must cooperate with shaking,

The best will achieve outstanding results!

NBA coaches personally teach you how to succeed! Someone used this trick to fight all over world!

Full action demonstration!

May 12, 2023