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Today I collected some training skills
Everything Coach K has been teaching lately
A few commonly used practical tips
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1. Double spheres alternate front and back
Basic Actions: Stand with your feet apart, keeping your center of gravity relatively stable and low, first alternately dribble ball in front of you, after three times step down with one ball, and hit ground with other ball in front, swap dribblers. This dribble can help everyone to get hold of ball with both hands and at same time improve ability to control body. In a real fight it is easier to take steps or move backwards to get past a defender.
2. Dribbling with resistance
Required Actions. Use an elastic band, tie it to a heavy object, or help your teammates pull it back, and then, with resistance, dribble forward and at same time take a step down, dribble in front of you, with both hands, behind, etc. and finally touch markers on left and right front. This action can greatly improve ability of everyone to resist resistance, and at same time, it is also very useful for explosive power activated in real combat.
3. Dribble with two hands + pull with one hand
Basic Actions: Move quickly with both hands alternately while marching (machine gun dribbling) and at same time adjust small steps to follow forward, shoot ball 5 times using one hand with other hand Basketball, perform action of pulling ball, then adjust to continue dribbling with both hands alternately, then switch to other hand and perform action of pulling ball to one side. The action of pulling ball is somewhat similar to shamgod, so this practice can help us better understand how best to use shamgod while marching.
4. Change direction with one hand + step down
Required Actions: Make two passes left and right in front of you with one hand, then add a downward step dribble, switch to other hand and continue with two moves left and right. shifts in front of body with one hand Leading down and down in one step, with left and right hands performed alternately. This kind of technical action is purely for honing your ball handling skills and it's not too difficult, but if you can increase your dribbling speed and make sure ball doesn't fall, then congratulations, you've mastered this action!
5. Changing lead pitch while marching
Basic Steps: Use rope ladder to practice steps of lead while marching. Unfamiliar brothers cannot dribble first, hold a basketball or complete rope ladder steps with their bare hands, including lateral movement, cross step and other actions, after practice, add dribbling, walking ball dribbling, and simultaneously perform rope ladder legs . Practice flexibility in footwork and mobility between holding ball and managing an ever-changing defense.
6. Start first step of explosive practice
Basic Actions: Continue to dribble with one hand in place, hold tennis ball in other hand, throw tennis ball forward before starting, and step in place at same time. first time, and then catch tennis ball. Here are details. It should be noted that right hand holding ball as an example, first step is left foot forward step, and practice is starting burst of cross step, with right foot practicing starting burst of first step by step, and left hand is opposite. The forward throw distance of tennis ball should not be too long, and it should be within one step. Due to gravity, tennis ball will fall quickly. We will catch it before it hits ground. If you practice like this and stick to it , you can also pass defender in one step on field.
7. Dribbling in tennis
Basic Actions: Hold a tennis ball in one hand and a basketball in other. Throw ball down with both hands at same time. Quickly change direction, then change hands and repeat motion of throwing ball. ball at same time. Tennis hits ground with a little more force. Because ball is small and bounce is not as good as in basketball. If you can master it, you should speed up movement.
8. Step forward with both hands + back
Basic Actions: Drag pistols with both hands, 1, 2, 3, then pull ball with your right hand and dribble with your right foot, and then join back of your right hand with your left. What left hand has to do is switch ball to right hand in front of it and then get another ball from behind right hand. The explanation is a bit complicated, but you should be able to understand it with animation. Keep practicing both hands on ball and practice the motion until it feels natural!
I hope these training methods of Coach K.
This can be useful for everyone
Urgent practice with ball
Progress never stops
Let's go guys!
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May 12, 2023