Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Hi everyone, I'm Skill Jun!

Welcome to latest tutorial!

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Hi everyone, I'm Mr. Skill

People always think that feeling of ball is born,

I really don't think so

The following skill master will share some ball feel exercises,

Let your hands fly!

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Analysis session

Dribbling with both hands behind crotch

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Crotch + Front Body

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Lateral movement simultaneously back + forward changes direction

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Alternate between hitting wall and hitting ground

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Move ball by passing ball through air with both hands

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

Dribbling with alternating hands in front of marching body

Poor sense of ball? Follow this practice and you will become a master!

This method of training dribbling

More interesting than usual simple learning

And more complex,

The lifting effect comes faster.

May 12, 2023