USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Before we introduced methods of teaching movement and shooting in basketball training, today we present a breakthrough in teaching methods for American teenagers, let's quickly learn them.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast
Exercise 1 Break forward with a cross step

Purpose of exercise: To master technique of a forward jerk with a cross step.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Picture 1

Practical Method: Demonstration and explanation require coach and athlete. During practice, players stand as shown in Figure 1. The square frame on free throw line and center line is a 0.6 meter square attached to floor with sticky strips. The players lead to coach from 3 meters away from coach, at first at a slow speed, and then gradually accelerate. When a player dribbles close to box, coach must make an appropriate defensive action with player's fake action to teach player not only how to execute action, but also to practice his timing. This action is in addition to wiggle action introduced earlier.

Key points. Focus on detailing techniques and work out timing of movements.

Exercise 2. Cross step in dribbling.

Purpose of exercise: To master cross-cut jerk in dribbling.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Picture 2

Practical Method: Players stand as shown in fig. 2 and attach a small 0.6 m square frame to field with adhesive strips. Dribble to field, move to small box and cross step in front of you; dribble to far endline and pivot back (or forward), then dribble back to starting point and pivot forward. body when you see a small box in middle. Cross step. All players repeat same exercise. Once you start dribbling, use your right hand and come back with your left hand to develop ability to dribble to middle and near sideline. You can also use your left or right hand forward and backward. This method can also be used. Play dribbling. Divide players into groups and play against each other, or have smaller players play against bigger players, or have players from first team play against players from second team.


① Protecting ball is top priority, but you must fully understand and master lateral step before you dribble.

② The ball must be 0.5 meters from knee, body must be between opponent and ball, dribbling ball sideways or facing defender, plus a false head and shoulders. Ultimately, opponent has to shift his body weight onto his heels and lose his balance.

Drill 3: change dribble direction, break through emergency stop, jump shot

The purpose of exercise: to improve skills of breaking through with a change in direction of dribbling, jumping with an emergency stop and ability to make decisive decisions.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Picture 3

Training method: depending on number of players, this training can be done on both sides of field at same time. If team has less than 4 people, you can first practice on one side, and then on other. As shown in Figure 3, three cones are placed on both sides of field as protection, and coach with ball stands at top of circle.

Method 1: After receiving a pass from coach, player decisively breaks through first defense, dribbles twice, stops in front of second defense for a jump shot, and grabs rebound. Do same exercise on other side.

Method 2: After receiving pass from coach, player decisively breaks first defense, changes direction and dribbles in front of second defense, crashes and jumps in front of third defense, and captures rebound. Do same exercise on other side.

Method 3: After receiving a pass from coach, player decisively breaks first defense, changes direction and dribbles in front of second defense, reverses and dribbles in front of third defense, hooks, hits and rebounds.

Note: Drive forward decisively, change direction and shoot from close range.

Exercise 4. Emergency stop with a step followed by a breakout with a transverse step.

Purpose of exercise: To improve adaptability of breakthrough with cross steps.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Figure 4–Figure 5

Exercise Method: As shown in Figure 4, quickly jump (left leg→right leg) and step to stop abruptly while running. Similar to two-footed emergency stop, you can also step left → right to fake a right dribbling. If defender is moving towards attacker, he can use a cross step to break through from left. Of course, if enemy does not respond, then we will quickly break through from right side. Conversely, there is also right and left foot method, as shown in Figure 5. The defender moves to left of attacker, then uses a cross step to break to right, if opponent does not respond, continue to break to left.

It is necessary to remind: evaluate situation on field in a timely manner and use cross-steps left and right for a reasonable breakthrough.

DRILL 5 ​​Break from either side of defender

The purpose of drill is to improve footwork skills of players and adaptability of using dribble to break through.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Picture 6

Training method: as shown in figure 6, break through on both sides of defender, first break through on left side of defender (that is, on right side of attacker). At this time, defender's response is to stop attack and he must move to left (right side of attacker). In this case, attacker immediately leads and breaks to right (to left side of defender), that is, in an instant, make a dribbling breakthrough in direction opposite to opponent’s action. Not in front of defender, but on both sides of ball. Of course, if opponent doesn't respond, they can dribble directly and shoot from left. Conversely, same is true for dribbling to right: when defender reacts from right, attacker dribbles and shoots from left.


① When breaking with ball, you can choose and use different steps depending on situation on field, but one-foot emergency stop is not a good way, because opponent is already ready when attacker receives ball.

② No matter which side defender breaks from, you need to think about how to take steps to get rid of defense in a rhythm that is easy to break through. As for how to punch, it depends on personal habits, as long as you have speed to get rid of defense, you can do whatever you want.

Exercise 6 Same step to side followed by a break to side

Purpose of exercise: To improve footwork skills of players, practice technique of using same lateral step as a false action and connecting breakthrough with a lateral step with a dribble.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Picture 7

Practical method: As shown in Figure 7, whole team is divided into two groups standing on sideline on right side of court respectively, company team is attacking and X team is defending, first player of two groups participate in practice first. The striker first takes a small step forward to his right side, and at same time swings ball to right side of body. left foot as a pivot, and right foot moves quickly. Recover and step forward to left, then turn ball to left and switch to your left hand to dribble quickly and break through to basket. leader's body must be between defender and ball. This exercise can also be performed on opposite half of court, but footwork and dribbler are reversed. According to coach's training task, this exercise can also be performed from top of penalty area.

It needs to be reminded: people in section must be decisive, and crossing steps must be quick.

After practice 7, turn around, change direction, dribble, break through and shoot

The purpose of exercise is to improve ability of players to jump and touch board to shoot and turn, and to change direction to dribble and break through.

USA Youth Basketball Training Break Through Technical Teaching Methods, Learn Fast

Picture 8

Training Method: As shown in Figure 8, training requires a player and a coach. Coach C is in a low defensive position. Player X lands on same side of flank. The workout starts. X dribbles ball and approaches C. , assuming that C is stuck on bottom line to prevent his bottom line from breaking through. When X dribbles close to C, lift your left foot to bring axle closer to C, turn around and take your right foot off, then turn around and dribble, then take a big step to right to jump up and hit board. The shooting player moves to other side to repeat above exercise after catching rebound.

Key points to note: The coach may change format of routine by adding a defender to make routine more difficult.

May 12, 2023