The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

Many people really like basketball, but they always feel that they can't play well, especially if they can't give their best for a long time, then your physical form will strengthen. Follow these five steps to improve your fitness

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

The first thing to know is that basketball not only requires your strong skills, but it also requires our bodies to last long enough for us to last until end of game.

Even though your golfing skills may not be perfect, first thing you need to do is not to improve various skills such as dribbling and shooting, but to maintain your fitness so that these skills can be demonstrated.

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

Physical training is a very important part. If you train well enough, you will not only perform well in basketball, but you will also be able to achieve good results in life and other sports. So don't underestimate physical fitness workout that will change many aspects of you.

You might think that following five exercises are for lower body. Actually it is not. To become a great basketball player, you need to train your body comprehensively.

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

You may have never done this before, it doesn't matter if you're training for your fitness, start with lighter weights and you'll improve your results a lot!

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

Step 1: Kettlebell Deadlift

In this exercise, our preparatory actions must be performed correctly, as in free throws. The previous preparatory steps are very important.

Start by placing kettlebell between your legs in a straight line. Let your ankle and kettlebell form a straight line, don't relax your knees here, then let center of gravity of your hips shift back and at same time tilt your upper body forward, then extend your arms, grab kettlebells and let your calves face each other, perpendicular to ground. The hips are higher than knees and shoulders are higher than hips, which allows cervical spine to relax naturally and then exhale to complete deadlift.

Simply repeat exercise, paying attention to rhythm of your breathing. Exhale as you ascend and inhale as you descend.

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

Step 2: Cup Squats

Choose a lighter kettlebell. At beginning of workout, it doesn't matter if weight is lighter, at end there will be no harm.

Grab kettlebell with both hands, change position and lift kettlebell so that elbows are under wrists and close to body. Then stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, toes slightly apart. While squatting, inhale through your nose, and when lifting, exhale. Maintain rhythm of exercise and do several repetitions.

If you persevere, you can train not only quadriceps, but also all muscles of legs. And your core strength can be increased too.

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

Exercise 3: kettlebell rowing

Both of above exercises are good for strengthening lower body. This exercise is good for strengthening upper body. The preparatory movement is same as in kettlebell deadlift, so that feet are shoulder-width apart, hips are pulled back, and upper and lower body are in an upright position. Firmly squeeze kettlebell with one hand, make a fist with other hand, exhale while rowing up, linger for a few seconds at top point, then lower and repeat several times.

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

Step 4: push-ups

You need to maintain a straight posture, inhale first through nose, and when lowering the scapula, naturally strain. Then, as you push up, exhale.

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

Step 5: Support board

This exercise is great for strengthening your core muscles. The preparation is similar to previous exercise: first kneel to rise to ground so that forearms and palms are close to ground, and then extend legs to keep body straight.

The physical training that basketball players do, five moves will make you last longer!

May 12, 2023