Professional basketball games are divided into two parts: first half and second half. Each half consists of 2 quarters, 1 quarter lasts 12 minutes. In event of a tie, a playoff is played. to determine final winner. During game, there are many rules that players must follow. The player in possession of attacking ball must complete throw within 24 seconds. If it exceeds 24 seconds, ball must be passed to opponent. Walking, double dribble, and dribbling are prohibited. This is illegal behavior.
When a player dribbles, they must dribble with one hand and cannot use both hands at same time. he will be penalized twice Dribbling violation; if a player takes more than two steps without dribbling, he is charged with a walking violation. After a player dribbles deep into 3-second zone, he cannot stay in 3-second zone for more than 3 seconds and must complete or leave 3-second zone within 3 seconds.
When an opponent is pushed vertically for a throw, vertical space above opponent's takeoff point is player's cylinder. During process of pushing player off, completing throw, and falling, defender must not intrude into opponent's cylinder area and must not preempt. The opponent's foothold must not have physical contact with opponent. When opponent hits, defender must not hit player on any part of body or they will be sentenced to a defensive foul, allowing opponent to get 2 or 3 free throw opportunities. malicious conduct, a technical foul will be called and opponent will receive 2 free throws plus 1 opportunity to attack.
When opponent completes throw and ball begins to fall after reaching highest point, defender must not grab ball or touch ball, otherwise ball will interfere for a penalty. on 3-point line If shot is taken inside 3-point line, opposing team receives 2 points immediately. If shot is taken outside 3-point line, opposing team receives 3 points. noting that condition for establishing this situation is touching basketball. The possibility of touching basket if it is a three-point shot is not restricted by this rule.
Knowing rules of basketball can help players play better and reduce mistakes. In addition, they can use their deep understanding of rules of basketball to commit fouls on court. and let their own team on ball have greater advantage.
May 12, 2023
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