I've already talked to my brothers about how to choose a reasonable dribbling style depending on defender
At request of most of brothers, DG has specially prepared for you a technique for training ball control - 7 basic movements for training ball control
Help brothers quickly improve their ball handling skills so you can carry whole field in field!
First of all, brothers spread their legs and keep them straight, slightly bend their knees and lower center of gravity of body, raise their heads and look ahead with both eyes
【1】Big Cross Dribbling
By dribbling ball with both hands in front of you, you train feeling between your hands and ball and improve control of your fingers and wrists when approaching the ball
【2】Low crossover dribbling
Reduce your lateral dribbling range in front of your body, increase your dribbling speed, and train your arm's ability to control ball
【3】Sequential dribbling for crotch
Continuous dribbling behind crotch can effectively improve continuous dribbling. In real combat, this technique is added to jumping with a step back, which is difficult to defend against!
【4】Dribble continuously in front of thigh
Keep increasing your dribbling range and keeping your center of gravity low, which can help brothers loosen opponent's center of gravity in a real fight
【5】8 characters behind crotch
The figure eight behind crotch is one of basic ball control drills that can help brothers develop ball touch
【6】Dribble exercise after figure eight
With 8 finger dribbling, improve your finger control of ball and also effectively develop your sense of ball
During training, brothers can change rhythm from slow to fast
【7】Spider Dribbling
Spider dribbling like spider paws, quickly touch basketball with both hands
(Gift resource taken from Internet)
May 12, 2023