5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Hi everyone, I'm a coder. Click to subscribe: Sports Code Coder: Become a basketball master and improve your skills faster! 5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Today I'll show you 5 practical dribbling techniques

Great ball possession,

This is inseparable from a solid base of ball control.

So, Yinsigner offers you main moves after disassembly.

Sudden stop at perineum, then step back 5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Hold ball with your left/right hand,

Dribbling ball in opposite direction of ball holder

Deceive defender and shift his center of gravity,

After a simultaneous step, both legs bounce back and retract

Adjust your posture, turn around to face the basket and complete your shot.

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed
Buddha worship on go + change hands to break through 5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Holding ball

Place ball guard on slanted top of ball to worship Buddha

Notice if defender's position has a moving center of gravity,

Simultaneously change direction in front of body,

Follow trend to make a breakout or a downtime.

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Dribbling ball in front of you and punching crotch

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Holding ball in left hand and passing it with right hand

The body is slightly tilted to right, and shoulders are pressed,

The goal is to force defender to shift center of gravity,

The right hand then holds ball to complete crotch change

Thus, breakthrough is complete.

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Delayed emergency stop stage

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

The ball holder is always same,

Between ball movement left/right,

Emergency stop on one side of arms and legs,

Then take your feet away and jump with both feet to complete shot.

If you don't hit ball, you can extend duration of Buddha worship, etc.

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Fake in opposite direction of attack

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Holding ball from right hand to left,

Opposite leg (right leg) takes a step forward obliquely,

The goal is to deceive defender's center of gravity,

To increase distance from defender,

Use your left hand to take advantage of trend to complete a breakout or stop a jump shot.

5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed
5 kinds of practical dribbling guides, deep analysis of movements, perfect combination of rhythm and speed

Above is an analysis of 5 types of real dribbling movements,

Training "Change of direction + rhythm",

Based on ball control.

That's why I need to practice feeling my hands more,

This is feeling of dribbling with your fingertips.

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May 14, 2023