Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

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When it comes to crossovers, most classic is AI

I saw people playing crossover on field

These great gods can shift an opponent's center of gravity with a single change of direction,

The movement is smooth and smooth, beautiful and picturesque,

But when you exercise, your limbs become stiff and uncoordinated,

How to practice?

Yiyinjun will share a detailed four-step analysis with you

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

According to a four-stage learning analysis

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

1. Trial step by step

Left/Right dribble, change foot to practice steps,

Quickly return to verification stage,

It is necessary that verification step be fast,

In this case, center of gravity of body is slightly inclined towards probing.

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

2. Trial step + pocket practice

Leader is practicing pulling ball back during trial step,

Kicking ball back depends on speed of ball rebound, do not turn your wrist

Dribbling power can be increased accordingly before pulling ball

Guarantee speed of ball rebound and prevent it from being intercepted.

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

3. Research and revolutionary practice

After completing first 1-2 points of practice, you can connect to breakthrough movement,

The foot breaking through direction takes a step forward,

The center of gravity of body must be lowered and speed must be fast,

At same time, dribbler is moving forward pushing ball.

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

4. Probe Breakthrough + Body Change Practice

Pull ball simultaneously with probing step - step towards break - pull ball in opposite direction in front of you

All movements must be coordinated, do not turn your wrist,

The center of gravity when breaking through step and pulling ball back in front of you should be low,

Otherwise, it is impossible to mislead defender so that he loses his center of gravity.

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

End action

Learn trick every day, 4 steps to teach details of transition steps, practicality is last word

The purpose of cross action is to shift center of gravity of defender,

Therefore, when using it, you should pay more attention to position of defender,

Cross actions can be performed multiple times in both directions.

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May 14, 2023