If you want to play basketball well, you must know 8 basic skills.

If you want to play basketball well, you must know 8 basic skills.

If you want to play basketball well, you must know 8 basic skills.

If you want to play basketball wellYou must know 8 basic skills

In this day and age, when basketball is popular all over world, well-played boys will undoubtedly help a lot to attract attention of girls and even find their favorite girlfriends. But basketball is not an easy sport, level of basketball depends not only on physical fitness, height and other reasons, but is also closely related to basketball skill. Let's learn together 8 basic skills of playing basketball.

1. Hold ball

Hold ball with five fingers and squeeze your fingers inward. Use your palms to catch ball as it falls.

2. Body control

Put ball around your waist and hover. The main thing in this action is to look ahead and not look at ball. Then do dribble drills clockwise and counterclockwise.

3. Carrying

Practice ball around your neck. This exercise is also facing forward, neck should not move, and do exercises alternately in positive direction and counterclockwise.

4. Dribbling on one foot

With your feet apart and your center of gravity down, hold ball and dribble with one side of your foot. Do not look at ball with your eyes, but with your left and right feet, perform alternate exercises forward and counterclockwise.

5. Throw ball back and forth

Keep your legs apart and reduce weight. Throw ball lightly from front to back, quickly catch ball from behind with both hands and lightly throw ball back to front, repeat timing exercise in this way, try to see how many times you can do it within 30 seconds.

6. Leading knees

Slightly putting your feet together and lowering your body, drive ball along your knees. Do not look at ball with your eyes and practice alternately forward and counterclockwise.

7. Cross bottom dribbling

This is an application of one foot dribble. The ball is dribbled in a figure eight with both feet. At same time, do not look at ball and practice alternately forward and counterclockwise.

8. Passing method

Ground pass (two hands) The ground pass is usually used to pass ball under outstretched arms of a defensive teammate.

Underhand passing An underhand pass is a close pass usually used to pass ball to a teammate who is closer to you.

Head (arm) passing We often see a basketball player hitting ball in this way to pass ball to a teammate who is in a vantage point in far frontcourt. A two-handed overhead pass can get past defenders and go far. Hold ball with both hands on either side of ball (fingertips up), place it on top of your head, bend your elbows slightly, take a step towards passing ball and at same timeturn your wrist back, move ball to back of your head, throw ball forward, wrist force down. (Also keep a good eye on ball)

May 14, 2023