Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

1. Concept and functions of individual attack and defense technology

One-on-one individual offense and defense is most basic form of technical and tactical expression in basketball games, and is a comprehensive application based on individual mastery of basketball skills. Only when each member of team has good personal attacking and defensive abilities one on one, overall combat ability of team can be better used in game. Therefore, one-on-one game is basis of team's tactical actions in attack and defense, and is also a concentrated expression of basic laws of basketball. The content of system is as follows:

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

2. Paradigm of individual attack and defense technologies

The one-on-one technical paradigm of offense and defense refers to a relatively common basic form of confrontation in game. Basically, there are two types of personal offense and one-on-one defense with ball and personal offense and one-on-one defense without ball, each of which is divided into four forms depending on position used on field during game. a game. The details are as follows:

(1) Personal offense and defense with ball one on one

1. Attacking action with ball in frontcourt

An offensive action with ball in front zone is an individual offensive action taken by an attacker in accordance with position and defensive situation on court after receiving ball in front zone. The basic method is this: when an attacker receives ball in frontcourt, if he has got rid of defender and is in his usual shooting position, he can shoot decisively and directly. If defender comes in on time, he can use his unstable footing and fake moves to break through with ball. The ball break can be divided into two steps: a cross step and a sequential step.

(1) Break to side of step (break to other side)

When you receive ball and are facing a defender (take your right foot as a pivot as an example), stand with your feet to left and right, knees slightly bent, lower your body's center of gravity and keep ball between your chest and stomach. When breaking through, quickly push front of foot of left foot off ground and take a step forward to right side, while upper body turns slightly to right, and left shoulder is pushed forward sideways, and center of gravity moves forward to right. leg is still right foot, lift it off ground and turn into left foot) dribble before lifting, step forward with left foot, which is turn foot when ball leaves hand, and accelerate ahead of opponent.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

Cross Break

(2) Step-by-Step Break (simultaneous step-by-step break)

When receiving ball facing defender (using example of left foot), ready position is same as when breaking through with a transverse step. When breaking through, press inside of left foot to ground, quickly step forward with right foot and at same time twist body to side to explore shoulders, and shift center of gravity forward. ground, use your right hand to place ball in front of your right foot and then your left foot. Quickly take a step forward to right and go around enemy.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)
Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

After receiving ball in frontcourt, if you can't shoot and break through, you can also dribble or pass ball to your partner to find an offensive opportunity again. If center forward or other players get inside to catch ball, they will usually catch ball from side into basket or back into basket.

2. Backcourt defenders

The job of backcourt defenders is to go out of their way to interfere with and destroy opposition shots, intercept their dribbling runs, block their passes and passes, and actively intercept ball to achieve goal of ball control. Defensive players should take advantage of defensive position in time, observe and evaluate attacking intentions of opponent, use anti-throws, movements, surprise, passing and other techniques wisely, and not be easily confused by opponent's false movements. It is necessary to timely detect features of enemy's offensive equipment and purposefully defend. When opponent stops dribbling, immediately step forward to block it.

(1) Defense position

Stand between opponent and basket when opponent has ball. As a general rule, if opponent is closer to basket, you should be closer to opponent, and if you are further from basket, you should be further away from opponent. In particular, it is necessary to adjust defensive position in accordance with technical characteristics of enemy (shoots well, passes well, attacks well) and needs of defensive tactics.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

(2) Protective actions

Defensive movement refers to basic footwork, body position, and arm movement used in defense. In general, it can be divided into two parts: active capture of positions and interception of opponent (transition from defense without ball to defense with ball) and standing.

Catching and intercepting in an active position: when opponent catches ball and has not yet entered attacking state, take initiative to use jerky steps or attack steps to suddenly approach opponent, stand on a level step, prevent opponent from making offensive actions and limit their actions. The action must be strong to keep balance. When opponent is in a direct attack state with ball in hand, use gliding steps to maneuver close to opponent. Requires short, quick movements to get close to opponent, plucking ball with a hand on same side as front foot. The center of gravity should be on back foot, ready at any moment to retreat and slide to intercept opponent's breakthrough.

Standing position. There are two types of standing posture: straight step and oblique step. When defending in a flat step, place your legs parallel and swing your arms constantly. This defensive method has a large defensive area, strong attacking power, and is easy to move left and right, suitable for personal defense against dribbling and breakthroughs. The flat defense can be used when opponent stops dribble to block a pass and when he is defending on flank. When defending with oblique steps, stand with both feet forward and backward, and extend your arm forward and up on same side of front leg. This pose is easy to move back and forth, which is more useful for breaking through defenses and shooting.

(3) Defensive Movement

The footwork in defending ball carrier is directly related to standing position, and most commonly used footwork in motion:

The Steady Stance is a horizontal gliding step that is commonly used to control an opponent's dribbling, steps, and turns.

Stand with oblique steps - retreating and sliding steps, usually used when defending players who have just received ball, to facilitate timely retreating steps to prevent opposition from breaking through.

A sliding back stepping pursuit block, typically used in overtaking or pressure defense tactics across court.

3. Attacking action with ball in backcourt

When an opponent uses an individual defense, player receiving ball in backcourt must use a quick pass or dribble to break through opponent's defense and aim to move ball quickly into frontcourt. Generally, there are three main forms of attack:

(1) A pass to a teammate who breaks away or is in front.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

(2) If it is not possible to pass ball, one should break into center of field in order to avoid passing ball into a dead corner.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

(3) Pass ball to a teammate who supports or withdraws in time during breakout.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

4. Frontcourt defenders

When moving from attack to defense, frontcourt defenders must find an opponent as quickly as possible, take an advantageous position, and with active movements and hand movements prevent breakthrough of pass and dribbling of opponent. three:

(1) Breaking vs Dribbling

Under normal circumstances, you should stand between your opponent and basket. When opponent dribbles and breaks through, you should actively press, block center and pull to side. In some special cases, "collar protection" may be implemented, deliberately letting go of one side, forcing opponent to pass or transport ball into a pre-set "trap", and cooperate with a partner to form a pincer attack.

(2) Protection against passage

Actively swing your arms to interfere with an opponent's pass, delay his pass time, and create conditions for your partner to intercept ball.

(3) Actively grab, wrestle and break. Actively interfere with opponent's actions with your hands when he is holding ball. When an opponent passes ball incorrectly, boldly attack and block it.

(2) One-on-one offensive and defensive actions without ball

1. Attacking action without ball in frontcourt

In a basketball game, at least four out of five members of offensive team are often without ball, and success or failure of attack is closely related to actions of off-ball players. players are especially important. Attackers' movement without ball in front of field is highly aggressive and strategic. There are three main goals of their individual actions: one is to use false actions or cover their partners to get rid of defenders and gain an advantageous position to receive ball and perform individual actions after receiving ball, attack; second is performance of ancillary activities, such as covering for a partner and supporting him, in order to create opportunities for him to attack; third is when partner hits, actively get rid of opponent in order to capture rebound and aim for a second attack. The main methods of action include moving towards ball and back. Move towards ball in two ways.

(1) Movements facing ball are interspersed with movements.

Move to ball refers to movement of an attacker without ball in front zone towards player with ball on team. There are usually two main methods of moving:

①From inside out with ball: The inside player without ball uses feints to get rid of opponent, moves quickly towards ball, and takes up an advantageous attacking position so that he can attack after receiving ball.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

②The outside line moves to inside line with ball. When inside player holds ball and lands on edge of penalty area, it is easy to draw in opponent to surround and defend. At this point, outside players should catch moment when defender's attention is on inside line, quickly get rid of defender and move towards ball so that inside teammate team returned ball to attack.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

(2) Move back ball to get rid of actions and alternate them.

Ball after ball movement basically refers to movement of players without ball to get rid of a defender in tracks, and to get rid of and move in opposite direction of players on team with ball. There are usually two main approaches:

①The movement of ball inside back to get rid of

The off-ball player in frontcourt must take lead to support opponent with their body as opponent rushes forward to defend.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

②External movement of back ball to get rid of, push back

This kind of movement must select an empty position that partner moves and pulls, as well as capture distance and time of movement.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

2. Defenders without ball in backcourt

During game, defense spends most of its time in backcourt, protecting off-ball offensive players. The main task of defending players without ball in backcourt is to prevent opponent as much as possible from receiving ball in effective attacking zone or to force opponent into a passive position after he has barely received ball. The defender must timely assess position of opponent and relationship between position of ball and basket, and use defensive actions wisely according to direction of opponent's cutting, passing ball and presence of cover, etc., to block opponent from entering favorable attacking zone and habitual position, as well as cut off enemy. It is important to cooperate with position and connection between areas and use every opportunity to tackle, hit and steal ball decisively in order to achieve goal of destroying offense and gaining control of ball.

(1) Requirements for defenders without ball in backcourt

Defense must be aggressive and destructive. The defender must capture an advantageous position "of both player and ball", and must be "tight inside and loose on outside, tight at ball and loose at far ball, and combined with tightness" to keep opponent out of air. It is necessary to coordinate defensively in a timely and decisive manner, as well as to help teammates defend with ball from most dangerous and attacking players. There must be collective defensive awareness and ability to supplement defense, tweak and change defense at any time.

(2) The main method of protecting players without ball in backcourt

①Defensive position

The choice of position in defense of rear zone is very important, correct and reasonable taking of an advantageous position is an important condition for showing initiative in defense. The defender chooses a defensive position depending on position and distance to opponent, basket and ball, as well as height, position and distance to opponent. Generally speaking, in order to reach both person and ball, defender must maintain a certain angle and distance from ball and opponent. Stand between your opponent and basket on side of ball.

The distance to opponent depends on distance between opponent and player holding ball, as a rule, closer to ball, closer, and farther to ball, farther. If enemy is faster, move a little further. The opponent is close to ball and under basket. You must defend close to opponent. If necessary, you can also use front defense. This defensive position embodies "ball, man and zone" defense principle.

②Defensive posture

The choice of defensive posture depends on area, position, distance and technical characteristics of opponent and ball. For example, when defending an opponent who is closer to ball on strong side, standing obliquely facing opponent and facing ball is often used.fits between two legs, so it's easy to start at any time. , Intercepting enemy's retreat movement and getting a route. Arms outstretched forward, thumbs down, palms facing ball, blocking passes and making it difficult for opponents to receive ball. In special situations such as defending opponent's shooter to prevent opponent from getting ball, this defensive posture can also be used when defending on weak side. When weak side is defending an opponent far from ball, they will often assume a standing position facing ball and facing opponent sideways, with feet apart, legs slightly bent, and arms outstretched. carefully observe movement of ball and person.

③Defensive Movement

When defending, depending on movement of ball and person, rationally use steps such as stepping forward, stepping back, sliding, crossing, halting steps, and running fast, and cooperate with body movements to position yourself to defend and block. their escape route. When facing an opponent, center of gravity should be lowered, legs should be tense, knees slightly bent, elbows extended, stance area should be extended, upper body should be moderately tense, and moment of physical contact should be actively resisted.

3. Attacking actions in backcourt

When transitioning from defense to offense, when an opponent uses individual defense all over court, an attacker without ball in backcourt uses a personal flight or cover of his partner to run to meet player with ball or to expand distance to contain opponent.Partner acts as a screen, breaks down opposition's defense and forces ball to move smoothly into frontcourt. There are three main methods:

(1) get rid of - get rid of

①Keep ball, ②After getting rid of it, cut in to actively respond to pass ①.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

(2) Get rid of delimiter

①Keep ball, ②get rid of backswing and pull opponent away, creating conditions for ①break through middle dribbling.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

(3)Get rid of—coordinate

① while holding ball, frontcourt player ② takes initiative to enter center to receive ball, and support partners on both sides who are falling quickly.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

4. Defenders without ball in frontcourt

When transitioning from offense to defense, each player must quickly find his opponent, position himself in a favorable "both man and ball" position according to need, actively prevent his movement and catching ball, and tackle ball decisively when possible. grab and steal ball. Main methods:

(1) Off-ball penetration defense and response

It is necessary to actively prevent opponent from receiving ball in an advantageous position, and to destroy the opponent's response action.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

(2) Joint protection and additional protection

Based on defense of one's own opponent, one should cooperate with a partner to defend according to needs of field. When ball carrier breaks through their partner, one should abandon opponent in time and decisively attack ball carrier, destroy and delay opponent's offensive score.

Ten-Split Zero Basic Basketball Training (one-on-one personal offensive and defensive skills)

3. Tips for using personal offensive and defensive technologies one on one

Individual attack and defense technology is a complex confrontational technical content based on integration of various technologies. In process of application, it should always be combined with actual situation on field and applied flexibly.

(1) Creatively combine offense with ball and offense without ball with offense with ball, defense without ball and defense with ball, defense with ball and defense without ball.

(2) Based on one-on-one personal attack and defense training and training, two-on-two or three-on-three attack and defense training and training, so that one-on-one one-on-one personal attack and defense skills can be combined and improved .

(3) Individual Offensive and Defensive Skills is process of applying and building individual skills of team members. They should be practiced under guidance of idea of ​​egocentrism and do not stick to a fixed program of technology application.

(4) The use of one-on-one personal offensive and defensive techniques must be combined with a tenacious fighting style. Witness and bravery must be fought on basis of strength and fighting spirit to form a unique personal technical and playing style.

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May 14, 2023