Zero-Basic Basketball Training Sharing Sixteen (basic defense tactics with drills)

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Sharing Sixteen (basic defense tactics with drills)

1.Training stages1.To work out basic coordination of defense tactics, first of all, it is necessary to understand concept of basic coordination, method of coordination, route of movement, sequence of actions, timing and requirements of use, etc.

2. To train basic coordination of defensive tactics, one should first master unified basic coordination, and then focus on improving connection between basic coordination, and then carry out combination and complex changes in basic defensive coordination, and finally move to confrontational training of basic coordination.

2. Practice Method

1. Exercises for capturing, passing, bypassing and switching protection

Drill 1: Half court two on two

① Pass ball to receiver △ and then make a side screen for ②. ② When ① cover is in place, quickly step forward and approach ② and continue to protect ②.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Sharing Sixteen (basic defense tactics with drills)

Drill 2. Three attacks and three defenses in half court

①②③Three people cover side of players with team. The defenders practice interception, passing, bypassing or changing coordination of defense in accordance with rules. After repeated practice, offense and defense are exchanged several times. Requirements: Stay close to your opponent as you race past, race forward in time, and actively use your body. The companion of examiner must remind companion in time and be ready to change protection.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Sharing Sixteen (basic defense tactics with drills)

Drill 3: Practice two and three defenses at halftime in a confrontational environment

When using half-court confrontation practice, attacker can use a variety of screen coordination, from slow to fast, passive to active, to help defender practice defensive coordination.

2. Practicing flanking and additional protection

Drill 1. Two-on-two drills in offense and defense at halftime

①Pass ball to ②, ② forces ② to drive ball to corner of field, ① rises up in time and together with ② forms a pincer attack on ②, blocking path passed by ①, causing him to break 5 second rule.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Sharing Sixteen (basic defense tactics with drills)

Drill 2. Three attacks and three defenses in half court

①Pass ball ②, ② make ② dribble into corner of court, ① get up in time to form a pinch with ②, ③ move in time, adjust position to quickly complete defense, and prepare to steal ball.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Sharing Sixteen (basic defense tactics with drills)

Exercise 3. Practice flanking entire field

① Dribble forward along touchline, ① Defend in first half from ① and control speed and direction of ball. When ① dribbles past midfield, ② rises quickly and in time to force ① to stop ball and form contact with ①.

Requirements: When flanked, actions must be decisive and sudden, take your time to grab ball into opponent's hand and change correct flank position and body position.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Sharing Sixteen (basic defense tactics with drills)

3. Close door practice

①Pass ball ②, ② break through from left, ① cooperate with ② to close door, ③ adjust defensive position. ② Pass ball ③, ③ protect bottom line break, ③ break from right side, ① cooperate with ③ to help defend to "close door."

Requirements: Two adjacent players, when "closing door", should keep track of time, silently cooperate with each other, move quickly and stay close to each other without leaving gaps.

May 14, 2023