Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Today we're talking about ball control technique, which refers to a generic term for various dribbling and passing techniques used by players to shoot or create shot opportunities for their partners based on successfully getting ball into play. The ball dominance technique is link between forwards and organization of attack in game, as well as a specific means of implementing offensive tactics of team.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

1. The technical paradigm of dominating ball

Technical paradigm of dominating ball refers to most common form of dominating ball in game, mainly including advancing passing, passing passing, hiding passing, advancing dribble and breakthrough dribble, etc. The main methods are as follows:

1. Strike pass

This is an acronym for various passing forms in which players use different passing techniques to advance to frontcourt based on receiving ball in backcourt.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)


2. Transfer pass

Based on receiving ball, players strategically and consistently use passing on one side of court to encourage defenders to get closer to side with ball and wait for opportunities to create attacking opportunities on other side. side. , an abbreviation for method.

3. Hidden pass

This is an abbreviation for various passing techniques and methods in which players use ball receiving-based covert passing techniques to pass ball past a defender in front of them and pass it to their teammates in time.

(1) Head pass with one or two hands

The ball carrier lifts ball overhead with both hands, exerts pressure on lower back and abdomen, moves forward with forearm, bends wrist forward, and pushes ball with fingers to pass ball over defender's head. The one-handed method can also be used to quickly pass ball in front of you with one hand, grabbing an opening in opponent's defense, and passing ball suddenly over head or side of defender's head.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Pass ball with both hands

(2) Side passage

The ball carrier and attacker step forward with opposite foot, while upper body simultaneously moves to opposite side to perform a fake action. Bend your wrist forward and touch with your index and middle fingers. ball so that ball goes through side of defender.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Side passage 1

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Side pass 2

(3) Bounce pass

The ball carrier uses a feint to pull defender's arm up or out of way while quickly tossing ball across ground towards a teammate. When passing ball, extend your arm forward and down, while power point of hand acts on back and top of ball. The point of impact is determined according to positions of defender and receiver and should normally be passed one third of distance from receiver.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Rejection 1

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Rejection 2

4. Dribbling

This is a method of guiding players from backcourt to frontcourt based on receiving ball without defense.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Move forward

5. Breakthrough dribbling

Players can use a variety of extraordinary techniques using a variety of footwork and dribbling techniques to try and break through defenders based on receiving ball.

(1) Changing direction of dribbling in front of body

When an opponent blocks dribbling path, dribbling player will suddenly change direction to left or right, forming a dribbling technique.

Change of hands and dribbling in front of body:

As an example, let's take enemy's breakthrough from left flank. When dribble is close to opponent, first fake a forward dribble to defender's right edge. As opponent moves to right to block dribble, dribbler suddenly presses upper left back of ball to make ball go over his body. The front left side bounces to front right side , and at same time, left foot strongly presses ground, right foot steps forward to right side of body, upper body turns to right, side shoulder blocks opponent, and at same time switch to right hand and press upper back ball, and left foot will step forward.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Change hands and dribbling in front of body

Dribbling without changing hands in front of body (inside and outside)

When approaching an opponent with a dribble, first move ball from right side of body to middle position in front of body, and at same time fake movement of upper body to left. center of gravity to right, still using right hand to quickly turn ball back to right, and then press top of racket. to right, then step with your left foot and at same time block with your opponent's shoulder, accelerate to pass from left side of defense and continue to dribble forward.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Dribbling without changing hands in front of body

(2) Variable speed dribbling

This is a method by which players use dribbling speed and rhythm to outperform their opponents in dribbling. Usually, when approaching a defender, a two-stage crash stop is adopted, body's center of gravity is lowered, and hand is pressed on top of ball to prevent ball from moving forward. When defender slows down, he suddenly dribbles and pushes back with both feet, upper body leans forward sharply and kicks off quickly.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Speed ​​Dribbling

(3) Dribbling behind back

When an opponent presses defense, dribbler takes a step with their right foot to left of defender to encourage opponent to move to their left side for an interception. left front of body, then switch to left hand to dribble, and at same time push right foot hard and step forward with left foot to speed up dribble and go around defender.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Dribbling ball behind your back

(4) turn around and dribble

When an opponent approaches, lead lowers center of gravity, puts his left foot forward and turns around, puts his right foot on ground to turn back and at same time pulls ball to front of right side of body with his right hand, and then changes hands to dribble or do. Turning back, drop ball with your right hand, then slap ball with your left hand in front of left side of your body, plant your right foot hard on ground, step forward with your left foot, and speed up your dribbling to outrun defender.

Zero basic basketball training separating nine (ball control skills)

Turn around and dribble

Tips for using ball control skills:

1. Passing skills can be used in game in many forms, such as passing from behind, passing from under crotch and sideways, as well as passing ball on spot or jumping in air, and so on. When passing ball, it is necessary to combine feints and use method of hitting east and west in order to have a better effect.

2. In game, various dribbling methods can be integrated, such as combination of dribbling with a change in direction in front of body and dribbling with a turn, combination of dribbling with a change in speed and a change in direction, etc. At same time, special attention should be paid to strengthening dribbling process ball, use of tricks.

3. In game, you can combine passing and dribbling. For example, after backcourt players have received ball, they quickly pass ball to frontcourt players. After a player has circled an opponent, he waits for an opportunity to pass ball to an unprotected player, and so on.

4. The way ball is controlled in a game depends on specific situation on field, so players should always pay attention to observation, use possibility of passing and dribbling, and handle ball decisively in their hands. .

May 14, 2023