Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

1. Learning Steps

1. To work out basics of coordinating offensive tactics, first of all, it is necessary to understand concept of basics of coordination, methods of coordination, movement routes, time of actions, sequence of actions, etc.

2. The practical steps in basic offensive tactic coordination are to first practice passing, cutting and screening, then practice sudden distribution, and finally practice coordination. When coordinating screen, screen between players without ball should be practiced first, and then screen should be practiced between players with ball and players without ball. When practicing coordinating coordination, first practice coordinating two people, and then practice coordinating three people.

3. When choosing a training method, first practice method, route, and time of coordination under fixed conditions, and then set up a hypothetical opponent or marker to practice against a background of simple confrontation conditions.

4. In process of practice, it is necessary to emphasize development of awareness of cooperation and pay attention to rhythm and changes of cooperation in order to constantly improve quality of cooperation, ability to use and adapt.

Second, practical method

1. The practice of passing and reducing cooperation

Exercise 1. Practice continuous aerial cutting between two people

Split into two groups, one group ① passes ball to second group moving up ②, after a fake shot to left, they suddenly and quickly crash from right. ② After catching ball, fake ball ①, then pass to group ③ that followed, then feint, and then suddenly move ball into basket. By analogy, players who crashed into basket ran to end of other group and took turns practicing.

Requirements: False movements must be realistic, change of direction must be quick and sudden, and be ready to catch ball at any moment when hooking.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

Exercise 2. Continuous pass and pass training for three people

Split into three groups, each person in groups ① and ② is holding a ball. After ① passes ball to ③, he fakes to left to get rid of it and then quickly cuts in from right to get a pass from ② to shoot. ② After passing ball ①, fake move to right to get rid of it, then cross quickly to catch pass ③ and hit. ①③ Grab rebound, change position clockwise, and train in turns.

Requirements: Players must look into basket after receiving ball, make false movements such as shots, passes and disposals to attract defenders, seize opportunity and pass ball intelligently, timely and accurately.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

2. Coverage and collaboration practices

Exercise 1: Practice Side Screen Coordination

By dividing into two groups, ② make a side screen for ①, when ② screen is in place, ① cut right to basket, ② turn around and continue at same time, ①② swap and practice. in turn.

Requirements: The movement of cap must be correct, distance must be appropriate, a false action must be performed before cut, and cut must be made quickly when cap is in place.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

Drill 2. Screen for players without ball

In a team of three, ① pass ball to ② and then go to screen for ③, ③ use screen ① to go to basket and get a pass from ② to shoot. Feint before cutting. ① After screen, turn around and dodge. Turn clockwise to practice.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

Drill 3. Damper for off-ball players

In a team of three, ① passes ball to ③, ② makes a back screen to ①, ① makes a fake pass to left to attract defenders, suddenly changes direction and uses a screen ② to go to basket on right to receive ball from ③ to shoot . Turn clockwise to practice.

Requirements: It is necessary to determine time of cooperation between screen and verified partner.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

3. The practice of sudden spread

Drill 1: ② When splitting ball in process of breaking through, ⑤ suddenly crashes into penalty area, ① moves quickly to end line at same time, ② can split ball according to ① ⑤ reaching out to signal situation, ① or ⑤ catch ball and pass it ③, change places clockwise and do exercises in sequence.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

Drill 2: ① Pass ball to ②, ② break through bottom line, defenders will reconcile and change defense. At this time, ② can pass ball to ① or ⑤ depending on defense. Offensive players rotate clockwise. After practicing several times, change attack and defense.

Requirements: Break action must be sudden, and pay attention to ball distribution at all times.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

4. Coordination practice

Drill 1: Divide players into two groups, ② pass ball to ①, get rid of free throw line, get into an advantageous pivot position, and after receiving pass from ①, make a fake pass in cut direction ①, then pass ball to ④, run to back ③ after passing ball, ① run to back ④ and repeat the exercise in turn.

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

Drill 2: In a team of three, when ② passes ball to ①, ③ suddenly releases defense, approaches free throw line, and then receives pass from ① as support. ① After passing ball, get rid of opponent and crash, and then move to ② to attack after receiving ball. ②Go to front side ③ and get ready to catch ball and attack. ③Pass ball to ① or ② depending on situation, and you can also attack yourself when opportunity arises.

Requirements: Support players must judiciously use false movements to get rid of defense, quickly get into a favorable support position and catch ball forward. The peripheral players must pass ball quickly and in a timely manner, "people come and ball arrives."

Zero-Basic Basketball Training Dividing Fourteen (Practical Steps and Techniques of Basis of Attacking Tactics)

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May 14, 2023