Today I'm talking about basketball receiving technique, which is a general term for action methods used to move from a no-ball state to a ball-on state. It is an intermediate link for connecting attackers with each other and organizing an attack on field, as well as main means of transition of defensive teams from defense to attack. Whether you can master correct method of receiving ball will not only directly affect quantity and quality of attack, but will also affect final effect of defense. The most common forms of getting ball in a game mainly include catching ball on spot, running and catching ball, going off road to catch ball, getting out of back run to catch ball, getting out of way to catch ball, rebounding and stealing ball.
The content system for all ball-receiving techniques is as follows:
Get ball skills
1. Catch ball on spot
Catching ball on spot is one of main methods of receiving ball, and it is a method of catching ball used by offensive players to correct their offensive position. The method of action is to stand facing or sideways to a partner to assume basic standing posture, turn upper body towards ball in motion, maintain basic technique of receiving ball with both hands, observe ball in motion and use both hands or one hand to catch ball next move.
Catch ball in place
2. Running to catch ball
Running and catching ball is one of most commonly used methods of catching ball in basketball games, and is also main method of getting ball in offensive and fast-breaking process. The method of action is that while running, toes are facing forward, upper body is turned to face incoming ball, and arms are extended to actively meet incoming ball. Can dribble, throw or pass after running to catch ball.
3. Get rid of ball
Getting off ball is a method of receiving ball, often used by players without ball to get rid of an opponent in order to gain a powerful attacking position while holding ball in positional attack. The method is for attacker without ball to use steps (e.g. running side to side, turning, stopping, etc.) or covering his partner to get rid of defense and then catching ball from his partner and using appropriate action stops to connect to next attack action. Latch getting rid of can be divided into latch getting rid, reverse latch getting rid and fork getting rid.
①Get rid of catch
This is a method in which an outside player moves to side or back towards ball to get rid of it and then collides with ball to catch ball. After catching ball, it is usually used to suddenly stop and address opponent into a basic ball stance to connect with next action such as breaking ball or throwing and passing.
Get out of trap
②Get rid of running back to catch ball
is a method in which an outsider moves sideways or facing ball to get rid of it and then runs sideways or backwards to catch ball. The stopping technique can be used when catching ball to link up next attacking action. Pulling back and running back to catch ball usually requires co-operation of passer, and running back colleagues pass to direct ball to ensure ball arrives.
Get rid of backslash
③Get rid of ball
This is a method in which inside players use their moves, such as turning or rushing to get rid of defense, go around defender and catch ball with their back to basket. Most often it is used. to support center forward. The stopping technique can be used when catching ball, and following offensive techniques can be combined with turning after catching ball.
Get rid of catch
4. Rebound
A method in which players from both sides compete for a missed shot to hit ball off backboard or hoop. Rebounding is one of main sources of ball control. A team's ability to grab rebounds plays a very important role in seizing game and winning game. This is key to transforming contradiction between offense and defense. . Rebounds are divided into offensive rebounds and defensive rebounds. There are many specific rebounding methods, but they share common characteristics in technical actions that consist of position capture, pushing, ball tackling, and post-trap action.
①Take position
The position of grapple is key to rebounding technique and plays a huge role in whether or not you can grab a rebound. When taking a position, one should correctly judge direction of rebound and distance of rebound depending on position of opponent and shooting player, use quick steps and coordinate body movements to capture an advantageous position. The bounce direction of bounce has certain rules, in general, you can follow principle that angle of reflection is equal to angle of entry. When seizing an advantageous position, body must maintain correct take-off position.
Shooting angle
While jumping, quickly press your feet to ground and jump up while lifting your arms up, coordinating work of your waist and abdomen, and fully extend your body to capture space. The one-foot take-off technique, which is usually used when getting rid of an opponent's rush, can also be used.
③Catch Ball Action
After touching ball in air, quickly bend your fingers, wrists, elbows and arms to pull ball down. Can be used with both hands or one hand. You can also send ball to your partner in air.
④Action after tackling ball
When an attacker captures a rebound, he must first close basket or continue shooting. If there is no opportunity to shoot, he must quickly pass ball to his teammates to reorganize attack. After defender has mastered rebound, he must pass ball to his partner in time to create favorable conditions for a fast break.
When grabbing offensive rebounds, use quick leg and body movements to get out of way of defenders and rush for rebounds or kickbacks. When tackling a defensive rebound, you must use your advantage near basket by first blocking opposing players, and then move on to tackling ball. As soon as ricochet is captured, it is necessary to quickly launch a quick counterattack.
Offensive rebounding
Defensive rebounding
5. Steal ball
The tackle is a technique for catching ball while intercepting an opponent's pass. The method is based on an assessment of attacker's intention and position, when ball has just been passed from passer's hands, he suddenly starts, one or both legs are pushed off ground and jump out, body is extended, and arms or one arm are extended forward to intercept ball.
Steal ball
Tips for using receiving technique:
1. In process of running and catching ball, it can be combined with various footwork, passing, shooting, dribbling, breaking, etc., such as running and catching ball, emergency stop, running, catching and passing. , Shooting while catching ball, running, catching, dribbling, breaking and so on.
2. When using disposal of ball, it must be flexible depending on position of ball and situation of opponent, as well as on combination of true and false movements. In order to get rid of movement, based on solid basic footwork skills, we must flexibly use movements such as running with a change of direction, emergency stop, running sideways, turning, etc., to mobilize enemy and take favorable positions. to catch ball, such as changing direction, catching ball, emergency stop, emergency stop, turn and run sideways to catch ball and hit, emergency stop, turn around to catch ball, etc. If partner does not pass ball after getting rid , you can cover other partners or reposition yourself to attack.
3. When using bounce, you must first realize active battle and understand law of bounce point of bounce. It is necessary to combine movement of foot with jumping action, action of catching ball, and action of handling ball after catching ball. When capturing offensive rebounds, you should look for "rush" in combination with second offense When capturing defensive rebounds, you should look for "blocking" in combination with quick counterattacks, such as rushing rebounds, to catch up. turning to block people, to grab rebounds, and pass mid-air.
4. When stealing ball, it is necessary to assess attacking intent of opponent and use flexible footwork and a fully extended body position for a decisive attack. When using it, you must maintain best possible defensive position, and you can even play point-blank. After stealing ball, quickly launch a quick counterattack.
May 14, 2023
Basketball training from scratch, dividing eight (practical methods for acquiring ball skills)