What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

The Durant shuffle is arguably one of hardest offensive moves in world.

Very large lateral offset,

Different attack options,

Let KD complete random singles against defenders.

Today's advanced KBT basketball practice,

I'll analyze Durant's drag step for you.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

The KD shuffle steps are divided into large shuffle steps and small shuffle steps.

When enemy defends at about half a step,

Duran will take a small shuffling step to approach enemy,

Force disable it.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

Then quickly connect reverse pull back,

Field goal scored.


Here is most important detail of KD ball defense.

As a perimeter player whose height is comparable to center

Duran can dribble so freely.

Relying on your exaggerated pocket dribbling.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

Every time KD changes direction, he pulls ball behind him,

Uses his terrifying wingspan and pocket dribble.

Isolate defenders from chip interference.


Once he uses a small shuffle and steps back to create space to attack.

The opponent can only watch basketball hit net.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

After a small drag and drop step

If defender steps forward in time to cover.

CD will take another hit to change direction,

Lateral ball protection,

Simple completes the finish.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

If defender is vigilant,

Focus on blocking side where putt is turning.

Duran will then change push ball to enter and exit,

Go to other side for downtime.

Durant's second drag step

This is a big shuffle.

In real combat

If enemy's defense area is large,

Therefore, select protection kd at a distance of approximately one step.

He will search for frame with a large shuffling step.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

If opponent does not keep up with kd.

He will shoot straight ahead.

If opponent catches first step of KD shuffle well.

Then it will land horizontally,

Acceleration by changing direction.

And use a cross step to make an emergency stop,

Quickly finish shooting.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

Defender's lateral movement would be half a beat slower


Significant change in direction after drag step

They are often hardest to defend against.

Durant changes direction after shuffle step very quickly.

And left and right sides can be skillfully connected with a cross jumper.

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

The brothers just practice a lot

This is only way to improve your big shuffling step.

Kaleidoscopic ball attack,

Defending against ball is even harder!

He can take snapshots!

What a great CD, do you like it?

What was Duran's most memorable game for you?
What was Duran's most memorable game for you?

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May 14, 2023