Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

He once broke his Achilles tendon to win three championships in a row,Now he sadly left field again due to a bruised left thigh. Repeated injuries seem to make people forget that Duran, death scythe god, was once only creature in league with personal offensive potential. Today's KBT Advanced Basketball Workout will analyze Durant's style of play for you.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

When thinking about Durant, first thing most people think of is his clumsiness and unresolvable shooting ability. But few people mentioned Durant's ability to defend ball.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Like a large man about 2.1 meters tall. Duran can attack as he pleases in front of a crowd of smaller defenders. Basically rely on three points. First, with a triple threat. Kd usually does not place ball on left and right sides of stomach to launch an attack like a small player.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Instead, lift ball directly over your head to perform a leg movement. However, he can play role of protecting ball. It can also maximize benefits of Durant's height and arm length. When attacking with ball, if opponent's steps are slow.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Durant throws ball directly overhead in direction of stride and uses ball defense to isolate opponent. Take a step towards basket. Complete end.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

The overhead triple threat approach is also very good for shooting. Do a step-by-step test by swiping ball from top to bottom. If defender steps back quickly, Durant will pull ball back and finish shot quickly.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Of course, KD also likes to make sudden stops after a step test to complete frame. Also, if opponent decides to defend Durant closely. Then kd will protect ball from side first.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Then use a little circular dribbling and hip rotation to turn to face basket and face basket. At same time, defender of ball is swinging to prevent opponent from stealing ball. After rotation of hip is completed, space for attack will be immediately opened.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

At this time, a falling step is connected. If enemy retreats, you shoot. The enemy blocked direction of fall. Then change direction and approach basket. During downtime, Duran will use his second ball-defense feature, high-ball throwing.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Using advantage of height and arm length to prevent opponents from clipping ball. So, if you are often intercepted by your opponent when you play big. You might as well learn from Durant. Use three threats: lifting ball, twisting your hips for a start, and tossing ball up to increase your body shape advantages.

Do you still remember then desperate Durant?

Durant's ball offense is already menacing, but he still has a big killer, shuffling step. In next issue of CBT, we will analyze Durant's signature shuffling move and his latest ball defense trick for brothers. .

May 14, 2023