1. During fight
Want to maximize total body strength
You need to understand moment of passing ball and confrontation
Before preparing for confrontation
Don't forget to throw ball first
Let's take another step towards fight
This is how you fully release your power
Many people like to fight sideways at first
Put ball down again and get ready for downtime
Do it
This will greatly reduce strength of confrontation
First fight, then throw ball
Enemy is easy to be intercepted
A missed opportunity to attack
2. Confrontation is very dependent on distance
Challenge for ball or so from a defender
Best Results
Too close or too far can't fully unlock your power
3. Learn to observe position of defender during confrontation
Defender is on side
Then after fight with enemy
We can go directly to last step
If a defender is in front of you in an oncoming confrontation
Then after confrontation
Don't rush thoughtlessly
Suddenly stop with a drag step or roll back to make room
This is a wise move
4. The confrontation between marches is actually more about lateral strength
Brothers can usually find support
That's one foot on ground
Sideways to posts
Feel how to fight sideways
May 15, 2023