I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

Using a normal three-threat opening move, today KBT Pharaoh will teach you a new move.

The breakthroughs of three threats begin to recede and change direction.

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

Hurry up and start learning, go ahead and break your brother's ankle!

First of all, three threats hold ball and do a turn-based investigation.

Then take a sharp cross step to other side,

When defender's center of gravity shifts back, we directly use outside hand to pull ball back to our side.

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

And use hip rotation. Reset steps.

A sudden change in rhythm can cause defenders to hesitate.

At this time, connect the other crotch to change direction to lock it in place.

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

The point of this set of moves is that lateral step must be large enough to be aggressive.

In this case, movement of outer hand pulling back should be quite smooth.

The defender will then fall into your tempo trap.

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

Finally, if your defender is familiar with this combo.

Don't panic too

We can do a double change of direction under crotch after pulling cross step back and moving to other side. Make it hard to defend against him.

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

Note that when performing a double straddle, eyes should follow and look in direction of deceiver to increase authenticity of action.

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

If defender is close to you, we can also connect crotch and change direction from behind after cross step is pulled back to get rid of him.

I'll teach you a trick Break through three threats: start retreating and change direction

Have you mastered this set of beautiful and practical boots that pull back and change direction?

May 15, 2023