Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

As online basketball training grows, defenders are hard to fool with usual European moves.

So, today KBT shares two most popular European stages. Use weirdest moves to make your opponent panic!

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

1. A misleading change of direction and connection with European step

Unlike usual Eurostep, which goes out and then in, Eurostep is called in and then out. It got its name because arms and legs are same when jumping and shooting.

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

When breaking through, we can first change wrong direction, pass ball in and take a trial step out to confuse opponent, and then take first step with ball in and second step out. to complete finish.

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

Because misdirection before euro step increases breakout threat on first step, it is often difficult for a defender to react when second step is made.

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

Second, bombardment connects with European step

This is Westbrook's famous trick. It's almost impossible to defend when it's used in a fast break downtime. This is same as first European step. We're still probing out before breakthrough.

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

But this time, we don't need to change direction to mislead opponent, but instead we need to dribble directly energetically, and ball combines to kill inside. This time we also use second step to kill outside. , and finish finish with a downtime. .

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

Finally, no matter what European step is, you should pay attention to distance between you and defender and start with ball when you are more than one hand away from defender to maximize effect of European step.

Weird breakout pace makes your finish more edgy

I wish all brothers to gallop around yard with a European step!

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May 15, 2023