Teach How to Get an Iverson Crossover in Five Steps

Everyone wants to learn Iverson crossover, but after reading so many manuals, why do they always fail in actual combat? Actually, Iverson crossover is not that complicated, it can be easily done in 5 simple steps.

First, practice of levitation with change of directionBeing able to lift ball with one hand is very important for Crossover.

So by changing direction in front of main body and letting ball stay in your hand for a short time, you can feel it floating in the air. Be careful not to rotate your wrist while exercising.

Second, Change direction before attacking stepOnce you find feeling of changing direction and dribbling smoothly, we'll add steps to it. At same time, with each change in direction of foot, one after other, they form a sequential attacking step, increasing aggressiveness of the movement.

Third, shoulder swing exercise in attack stepshoulder swing has always been essence of Iverson Crossover, which is also a very important part of this movement. Just like in second act, we must form an attacking step after change of direction, and we must keep floating dribbling in our hands.

But unlike previous one, when we change direction to pull ball, shoulders and head should be tilted in opposite direction, and whole body takes on shape of a bow. This bow-shaped pose can be used for shoulder shaking later. , providing a large value.

Then what's point of shaking your shoulders? Unlike conventional front changes, Iverson-style crossover's rearward shoulder movement actually increases threat of blowouts along way. In real combat, a sudden movement that lowers center of gravity and shakes shoulders instantly threatens to break through defender.

Fourth, shoulder shake and rhythm change practiceCrossover is not only a change in range of motion, but also a change in rhythm, which is also very important.

The lifting speed of ball after change of direction should be slow and create a pause by hanging ball, and change of direction and shoulder shaking after attack step should be fast. This type of slow and fast rhythm of movement can greatly increase chance of success when changing direction.

Fifth, general real fighting exercisesIt makes no sense if a beautiful movement cannot surpass others, so after all, it is especially important to practice speed of changing directions.

After suspension dribbling breaks, we need to use body to apply force and execute the shoulder movement at maximum speed, lateral break, thus a very practical crossover will be performed.

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May 15, 2023