Hey guys
Today I will teach you a beautiful lesson
Emergency stop and reverse
This action is very deceptive
From a fast run to a crash stop, then turn around at a slower pace
Super Shake
Absolutely can shock enemy to north
Nothing to say, let's watch lesson
A prerequisite for this action is
The enemy is next to us to protect ourselves from death
We need to manage his defenses
Move with us
Face to face and defending, we hold ball in our right hand and move towards basket at high speed
After protection
Approximately 45 degrees inside three-point line
Sudden stop when dribbling behind right hand
Attention to detail here
The center of gravity decreases when dribbling ball behind your back
Let ball pass right under your feet
After an emergency stop
Get ready to make a fake back turn
At this time, slowly raise center of gravity of body
The left hand controls ball well
At same time, use left leg as a pivot to lift right leg to make body turn back to left
It's a little tricky
You can watch slow motion below
Detail - raised right leg
Socks facing away from basket
That is direction of opposite bottom line and basket
And left leg as a support does not move before turn
Let opponent think that we are behind dribbling
Climb up with ball
At this time, he will definitely follow our raised right foot and move to defense
When this action is completed
We see that defender is stuck behind us
The ball is in front of outside hand
He protects basketball very well, it's a very advantageous position
Raise your right foot to opposite basket
When falling
The left hand hits ball vigorously and switches to right hand
At this time, continue to lift your right leg and quickly turn to left and back
Take a big step forward with your right foot
Then do a little lunge
This is a good starting position for downtime
At this point, we have completed rotational action of dribbling and sudden stop
If speed is fast enough
When we turn around and defender is deceived, he will move up defense
We got rid of protection completely
But if his retaliatory defense returns soon
Currently, non-ball hand (left hand) can be a relief hand
Block a defender who is trying to stop you
Then drive straight ahead to complete the finish
Dribbling behind your back, stop and turn, lots of changes
For example, after turning around, a large bomb is fired back
Space expansion is no longer a threat
After dribbling and turning
The right hand moves forward to a position next to basket
Small shots are easier to score
If in a real fight action is fast and consistent
This is still a very practical turning action
Check details of body's center of gravity from low to high
Low speed before turn for faster start after turn
Changed center of gravity plus adjustable speed
A double shake is definitely enough to make your opponent eat pot
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May 15, 2023
Learn this trick and you'll be able to clear your opponents without touching ball! (gift show)