happy birthday dear basketball player

happy birthday dear basketball player

Since December 21, 1891, "Father of Basketball" James Naismith organized first basketball game at YMCA training school in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, and for 127 years basketball has accompanied us.

Over past 127 years, basketball has become much more than just a sport, it has become integrated into our lives.

Some people say: "Basketball is my safe haven. While I'm on court, I can forget about all unpleasant things in life."

Some people say: "Basketball makes me confident, self-disciplined, strong and fighting..."

Some people have said, "The sound of dribbling is like notes pounding in your fingertips, making perfect movements."


happy birthday dear basketball player

There is no shortage of great stories on basketball court

Be it a classic moment on pitch

He still permeates every moment of basketball life

Every seemingly ordinary moment

Each person shines with himself

happy birthday dear basketball player
happy birthday dear basketball player
happy birthday dear basketball player
happy birthday dear basketball player
happy birthday dear basketball player
happy birthday dear basketball player
happy birthday dear basketball player

May 15, 2023