Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

Train your weak hand

Let me go

Gannon Baker is best basketball coach

More than just basic basketball skills

Left and right hands are perfect

Even more enviable

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2


Whether you are a professional player or not

Even on field

Meet people who are as skilled as left and right hands

I can only look at the ball and sigh

This time I'll give you another lesson in weakness

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

Buffing up KBT's weak side, Round 2

1. Alternate high and low dribbling

The dribbling position is no longer accentuated and must use weak side to shoot ball. From high to low, from energetic dribbling to low center of gravity and dribbling with short frequency, center of gravity, power and dribbling. The height is constantly changing, which can improve ball control ability. If you can keep your feet still and your body's center of gravity doesn't swing too much, effect of this dribbling is still obvious!

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

2. Low Crotch Dribbling

You need to remember learning to dribble, which was a cliché, weak side and weak side. If weak hand is unprofessional, this should be especially uncomfortable in beginning, but you must start! Dribble with one hand, step down and circle ball, low, level, as ball circles from back to front, try not to throw your arms forward as much as possible, but quickly raise your arms in front of you to catch ball and keep shooting . Dragging crotch with one hand is very helpful in improving ball feel.

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

3. L-shaped dribbling

Keep ball on weak side and drag ball back and forth, drag ball left and right on one side of body and in front of body. This action combines previous changing direction with one hand in front of you and dragging ball back and forth with one hand on side of body to maintain good rhythm. This action can not only help Shambog in real combat, but also train left and right side changes in front of body.

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

4. Dribble over bridge

This is still a ball pulling drill, but this time an obstacle is added in front of body, and each time ball is pulled in front of body, it goes over obstacle and ball is continuously pulled, increasing control of weaker hand over ball , you can also increase strength of weak side to control ball. If strength is not enough every time, then ball will easily fly away.

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

5. Dribble from front to back and under crotch

Dribble with one hand from crotch on one leg, allowing ball to pass under leg, not over thigh! The weak hand should move back and forth. This exercise obviously improves feeling of ball, because when ball is caught from crotch to back, position of ball is not visible, and it is entirely up to feeling itself.

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

6. Continuous one-handed driving forward and backward

Same as previous exercise, but this time basketball only passes through legs. This training exercise is same as one arm crotch break that Paul often uses offensively. After a long practice, I believe that everyone can easily control Paul's aggressive actions!

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

Actions above

Group recommended

6 actions per group

30-40 seconds per move

Nutritious Late Night Eating|Strengthening Weak Side of Arms Part 2

May 15, 2023