What? James is running for President of United States...

What? James is running for President of United States...

Recently in USA

U.S. President Trump and James spray each other online

Fans and friends know each other

NBA championship since Trump took office

Haven't been to White House yet

What? James is running for President of United States...

This is very different from tradition of previous Obama administration

Of course Trump doesn't invite

The NBA team refused to go to the White House

What? James is running for President of United States...

During last season's finale

Speaking of Trump, he didn't invite this year's Super Bowl champion to White House

James immediately tweeted

"Whoever wins an NBA championship this year

No one wants to be invited to White House. "

And Curry expressed support for it for first time

What? James is running for President of United States...

How could President of United States and NBA star quarrel?

Let's hear editor's story for you

In fact, resentment and grudges between James and Trump have a long history

Trump seen during presidential campaign

James decided to start supporting Hillary

After that, I started constantly bombing Trump

What? James is running for President of United States...

I think Trump made racist hate "popular"

Plus inappropriate words and actions, such as discrimination against women

This caused constant arguments between entire NBA and Trump

What? James is running for President of United States...

Although he is head of country with a very high status

But he often talks on Twitter regardless of his image

Interaction with Americans

Twitter ridiculed him for running country

The cause of this incident was death of James at end of July

Accused in an interview with CNN host Don Lemon

Trump appears to be using sports to divide America

What? James is running for President of United States...

"I think sport is important, but so are ideas

When you become part of sports industry

This will bring a lot of romance and fun

Race is a hot topic in United States

Because I think our president is trying to divide us

The last few months he has been using sports to divide us. "

What? James is running for President of United States...

This statement also angered Trump

On August 3, he wrote a satirical tweet and criticized media.

James should not be portrayed as a wise man and a hero

I think this TV interview is dumbest

What? James is running for President of United States...

"LeBron James just got interviewed by dumbest man on TV

Don Lemon, he made LeBron look smarter

It's not easy, I love Mike (Jordan)! "

What? James is running for President of United States...

Although Trump "showed his favor" to boss Joe from air

But Jordan didn't appreciate it

Via an NBC News representative instead

"I support LeBron

He does an incredible job for his community. "

What? James is running for President of United States...

The community mentioned here by Jordan

I think everyone must have heard of this

James is most hypocritical stinger in league

He doesn't want to enable data roaming while playing on mobile

But is very enthusiastic about charity

He's most donated man in NBA history

The amount donated is almost equal to his career salary

What? James is running for President of United States...

Despite fact that he moved to Lakers, he never forgot about it

Children of Akron

He returned to his hometown to open a school almost for free

This James is really not black

What? James is running for President of United States...
What? James is running for President of United States...

Because of this, media interviewed LeBron

However, with the exception of Michael Jordan

Trump's words and deeds have caused discontent among other stars as well

Their NBA also posted a message in support of James

What? James is running for President of United States...

NBA President Adam Silver trained first

He said

LeBron is greatest player in league history

One of most experienced athletes

I admire his intellect and business acumen

Respect and gratitude for what he has done for his community

What? James is running for President of United States...

Lord of Rings Russell also tweeted directly

"I'm so proud that James pursued his dream

He helps children and their families strive for a better life

It was all done with his own money

Anyone who criticizes him is disgraced and devoid of sympathy"

What? James is running for President of United States...

Downs scolded him most

He directly tweeted Trump and expressed his opinion

"So let me put it straight:

The water in Flint, Michigan is still dirty

But you care about a man

An interview that benefits his hometown education and generations of children?

Shut your mouth! Stop pointing your finger at Twitter,

Take a pen and do something for our country. "

What? James is running for President of United States...

Elementary school student Curry sided with James again

"Keep being yourself"

What? James is running for President of United States...

Wall of Wizards supports James

"Do you think LeBron cares about this?

You have to respect what LeBron and his team do off court

As always, protect these little children under his wings

That's him, he paved way for young players to get into these things

He took me under his wing from tenth grade

So, whatever he does, I have to give him credit

Nobody has ever been in LeBron's shoes and done what he did. "

What? James is running for President of United States...

Former teammate Ray Allen also revealed his social status

I'm very proud of James' charity

"James founded public schools

And most communities in US need such a school

Raise level of education of whole country

When everyone talks about getting better

Why is guy in White House insulting James?

James, let's continue to inspire youth! "

What? James is running for President of United States...

The same Wizards guard Bill spoke

He tweeted directly to Trump and wrote

"I've had enough of you"

What? James is running for President of United States...

And newcomer Mitchell's comments

Also hit Trump directly

"One of the signs of human insecurity

This is a constant assault on others

To feel better

I'm just sad for little kids

Because they need to see those stupid tweets

And will think it's right when he grows up

Forget everything else

You are setting a bad example for our children and our future. "

What? James is running for President of United States...

The reporter Trump called a fool answered directly

Who is real idiot?

Someone who brings children to class

Or guy who put kids in a cage?

What? James is running for President of United States...

It's not just players who speak out

Lakers owner Jenny Buss posted a lengthy post on official website

"We're proud to have him as part of Lakers family

He is an incredible and wise leader

Community efforts should be celebrated”

What? James is running for President of United States...

And NBA2K Digital Marketing Director Ronnie

Whatever you think of cover man James

Throughout his career, he was clean from scandals

He used his fame and fortune to give children a better life

And set an example for youth and players

Our world needs more LeBron James! "

What? James is running for President of United States...

Former presidential candidate Hillary also stood up

"James is a family man and an incredible player

Desire to repay community that raised him

And don't be afraid to speak your mind

He was a world-class athlete and an exceptional person

We need more people like him. "

What? James is running for President of United States...
What? James is running for President of United States...

The more interesting Trump's wife, Melania Trump

I helped James talk this time

She said something meaningful online

"LeBron James seems to be benefiting our next generation

As always with Melania

The First Lady urges everyone to take care of children

An open dialogue on issues we face today. "

What? James is running for President of United States...

At same time, she also expressed her willingness to go to Akron


What? James is running for President of United States...

It's not over yet

This was stated by former US presidential candidate Jeb Bush

"Who is better between James and Jordan

History has its own opinion

But president needs to focus on his damn job”

What? James is running for President of United States...

Trump's behavior this time can be described as

Shoot yourself in foot

If you can't catch a fox, you're in trouble

Stealing a chicken is not a loss

What? James is running for President of United States...

James is now more than just an athlete

His influence is enough to affect entire NBA

So Trump still needs to be careful next time

While Lao Zhan casually snaps his fingers

There are hundreds of brothers at your door Freestyle

What? James is running for President of United States...

The relationship between Trump and media is inharmonious

Therefore, many American media directly discredit him

This is just to get attention

They even posted a picture directly attacking Trump

What? James is running for President of United States...

Interestingly, at end of media visit to James

The host asked James if he would run for President of United States in future

Zhang Huang smiled and said he shouldn't

And when owner pursues

If you don't run for Trump, you will remain president

"Then I'll run for president."

What? James is running for President of United States...

If brothers give you right to vote

Will you vote for James?

Not to mention two little fans are already voting here

What? James is running for President of United States...
What? James is running for President of United States...

Want to know that James blames Trump

"Sport divides us"

What does that mean?

Follow KBT The next push will explain to you

What? James is running for President of United States...

May 15, 2023