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I hope everyone can get more technical benefits from Kevin's post
The contents of first issue of today are presented by author: ground support training
1#Hold ground and control ball
Hands on ground to control ball
Simultaneously continuously fire at two markers placed on ground
The ball and ground are completed alternately
2#Touch ball alternately with both hands
Better physical preparation is needed to consistently lift ball
You need a lot of core strength to keep your body stable and balanced
Even though it's difficult, it's worth a try
Upper body support, ground coordination, ball touch
Strengthen muscle memory and arm strength during power conversion
At same time, there are certain requirements for explosive power
Professional and long-term training in above movements
The strength of your upper body is stronger, stronger and more powerful!
KBT basketball training camp consultation WeChat: kbtsport01
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Let you become a player who can play basketball
May 15, 2023