The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

Tracey McGrady's Miracle at NCAA Arena

12 points behind opponent in last 38 seconds

Tie! Over time! Win!

Awesome Jedi Counterattack

38 seconds left in game

Time estimate 57–69

Texas A&M missed three points

Take front panel and insert it


The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

Northern Iowa has used up its last timeout

Missed pitch has been intercepted

Texas Agriculture Machinery has suspended operations


The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

Northern Iowa's bottom line was outflanked


Texas Farm Double Buckle


The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

Dezhou T-shirt for agricultural machinery


20 seconds left in game


The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

Serving and throwing ball directly

Hand clasp


The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

Dezhou agricultural machinery is developing rapidly

Single window 2+1


The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

Northern Iowa low angle with two sections

Forced passage leads to food

Texas Agriculture Machinery has suspended operations


The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

The game was then put into overtime

Finally two overtimes

Texas over Northern Iowa 92-88

Top 16

Two days ago, Northern Iowa beat Texas with a 3-point shot

Top 32

Unexpected Jedi counterattack at 35 seconds and 12 minutes

The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

The NCAA Madness Continues, Copying Tracey McGrady's Miracle! 35 seconds and 12 minutes Jedi counterattack!

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May 15, 2023