Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly


Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

During dribbling, forehead is usually turned towards opponent. So you save your eyesight and will be able to follow both football and actions of opponent.

Second, when you are pushing wave, running range should be close to speed of a soccer ball. Try to use your knee as a compass when dribbling and watch ball run while dribbling. If you leave your knees, you are chasing waves.


Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Dribbling plays an important role in tactical cooperation and personal breakthrough. In general, outside of foot, arch of foot, and instep of foot are commonly used to dribble. Dribbling with outside of foot──The part of foot that touches ball is same as passing ball with outside of foot. When leading, upper body leans slightly forward, toes and hip joints of leading leg are slightly turned inward, knees are slightly bent, ankles are relaxed. Push bottom of back of ball with outside of your foot before stepping forward to land.

Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Dribble is same place where foot touches ball when passing arc. When dribbling, take a step forward with skating leg, land in front of ball, bend knee slightly, transfer center of gravity to skating leg and at same time tilt upper body forward in direction of dribble. , lift your lead foot and push ball with arch of foot after middle part.

Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Positive lead on instep ──The action is basically same as on outside of foot, but with a positive instep. This type of dribbling is suitable for fast breaks in a straight line.



Foot strike from inside

Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Key Points: Run towards soccer ball easily, balance body before throwing ball, raise knee towards soccer ball and lift leg while standing to side of soccer ball, turn body slightly and rotate knee towards ball. outside, block eye of foot and hit ball in center of soccer ball. Secret - Keep your toes while throwing ball, hit ball with trademark inside boot, it's easier to understand where ball is. Usually you can practice hitting wall with inside of foot, it is better to get only one sound of impact, and if there are two sounds, then this means that contact surface between inside of foot and soccer ball is not damaged. was mastered.

Benefits: easy to catch line of kick, easy to change direction after kicking

Weaknesses: weak impact force, opponents more often guess where ball is flying


Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Shooting with back of foot

Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Interior shot of instep


Football training: how to dribble, dribble and shoot flexibly

Key points: at starting point, soccer ball and goal should be in line, knees move easily towards goal, stand on side of soccer ball, naturally lift calves back, look at top of soccer ball, fix eye of foot and rotate calf, to draw center point of soccer ball, after hitting ball, body catches up with trend to complete all shooting action.

The secret is toes down, speed of ball depends on swing speed of lower leg, and not on strength of hip. Before throwing ball, it is advisable to choose a position for hitting. Tighten muscles of front of thigh after throwing ball so as not to accidentally damage Ban Yue plate.

Advantages: high power, high ball speed, long range

Weaknesses: It's easy for opponents to predict where a shot will land, and it's hard to pick up accuracy

May 15, 2023