"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them

Catch ball with toe of your left foot, lift your right foot, kick ball to ground and bounce again

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Stand on ball with both feet, plant one foot first and push ball up with heel of the other foot

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Pull ball horizontally with ball of your forefoot, then rub ball with the inside of your toe

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Use outside of your foot to push ball outward and then use your forefoot to pull ball back. At this time, take advantage of trend and use your fingers outward to hook ball< /strong>

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Pull ball back slightly on your tiptoes and quickly hook ball with your toes

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Wrap ball around your left foot with front of your right foot and place it on outside of your left foot, stop with your toes, then quickly slide your right toes under ball, force your hips and lift ball< /p > "Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Place ball between your feet, bend your feet slightly, press on your hips, quickly squeeze your feet inward and rub the ball

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Using your right foot as a pivot, place ball on outside of your right foot and move your left foot close to ball. Slightly bend your knees, quickly move outside of your right foot and inside of your left foot inward and lift up with force.

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them


Pull ball back with your right foot, place it on left side of ball, kick ball with your left foot, move your right foot closer to your left, support your left foot and rub ball with your right toe

"Teaching Football" Nine Pilling Techniques You Might Not Know Any Of Them
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May 15, 2023