One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

1. Do feints and change direction

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

Facing defender, he pretended to step on bike and then swung in opposite direction to complete pass.

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

2. Fried meatballs

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

Flexibly move ball forward from left to right (right to left) with both feet to complete escape.

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

3. Bull tail. Pretend to lightly touch ball in direction of defender and then quickly throw ball in opposite direction.

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

4. Marseille roundabout

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless

When ball is in front of defender, quickly step on it with your lead foot, then continue to pull ball in original direction with your supporting foot and turn around to complete dribble.

One of the football skills is easy to see, but once learned, it is useless
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May 15, 2023