Big bikes are not needed! Practical advice on how to get rid of it (movie demonstration)

Big bikes are not needed! Practical advice on how to get rid of it (movie demonstration)

Today I will introduce you to some common skills to get rid of defenders in game. If you train hard, you will attract a lot of attention if you train well!


Big bikes are not needed! Practical advice on how to get rid of it (movie demonstration)

Leaning on a defender, use one foot to pull ball back and then immediately move forward.


Big bikes are not needed! Practical advice on how to get rid of it (movie demonstration)

When you are close to being passed by a defender, you step on ball hard and pull it back while you turn and watch so you can observe situation and pass ball to your teammates. .


Big bikes are not needed! Practical advice on how to get rid of it (movie demonstration)

Facing defender sideways, when defender is about to block ball, tennis ball of body is perpendicular to ball and heel touches defender's back.

Big bikes are not needed! Practical advice on how to get rid of it (movie demonstration)

Look again from a different angle

Big bikes are not needed! Practical advice on how to get rid of it (movie demonstration)
Your attention is the biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 15, 2023