Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

The way to hit goal with four or two shots is perhaps most elegant way to break goal on court. There are many types of frontal impacts. Generally speaking, you can use instep or toe frontal strike method. Let's see...

Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

Foot raise

Here throw is taken from front of instep and hits bottom of ball.

Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

Requirements: At moment of lobbying, pivot leg must be slightly bent, and kicking leg in backswing should act quickly so that contact part completely touches bottom of ball. After hitting ball high, kicking leg no longer follows the movement.

Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)
Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

Toe lumbago

Contacts bottom of ball with his toes and lifts ball high above defender.

Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

When serving, calf of leg touching ball is slightly retracted back. At moment of hitting ball, move calf so that toe quickly rests on bottom of ball. The sole of foot forces toe up, and at same time lifts calf a little so that toe follows it. ball and ball flies.

Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

First, practice punching on spot by punching from different distances and directions. Once you've mastered skill, try throwing on the go. This shooting method requires ingenuity, timeliness of use and a certain amount of skill.

Explode most elegant way to smash soccer field! (Be careful not to break your leg)

Description: Image taken from Internet, hacked and deleted

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May 15, 2023