Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Bending ball with inside of the foot is a popular and commonly used shot technique in football.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Crooked kicks are easier than other more difficult free kicks.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Doing free kicks in an arc is not only a preparation for standard kicks, but it can also be used to break goal outside penalty area with a curved ball. Of course, a good game in steep also requires a lot of practice and a real fight!

1. Approach

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Make sure direction of your approach is at an angle to ball.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Whether it's a three-step approach or a four-step approach,

As you learn how to kick, you will gradually discover the optimal distance to approach.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

When you run at an angle to ball, it helps you arch when you hit.

2. Ball Location

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc
Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Use area from tip of thumb to center of inside of foot to touch ball

If you hit a curved ball from a passing position with inside of your foot, height of ball will be very different.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

When hitting ball, ankle is blocked,

And lift your toes slightly.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc
Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Hit ball bottom center and slightly to right so ball can move in an arc.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc
Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

When hitting ball, apply force to buttocks, and hips should drive calves.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc
Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

The supporting leg is about 20 cm away from ball,

The supporting leg is directed towards run-up and should be slightly away from target of shot.

3. Watch the ball

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc
Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Let whole kicking leg swing freely

Walk from right to left, feeling like you're drawing a curve with your feet.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

When hitting ball, keep your upper body facing ball and lean forward to control height of the ball.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

When you hit ball, natural extension of your foot will help you with arc and speed of ball.

4. Additional Tips

#1 Wall Practice

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Practice against fence on court,

After throwing, ball automatically bounces back to your feet, which is convenient for repeating shots.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

This is a good way to practice wall shooting,

Repeated practice teaches your brain how to hit ball correctly.

#2. Analysis of game of professional football players

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Analyze strokes and skills of great players, emulate and learn from them.

#3 Make your own free kick video

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

After that, you can see and analyze your actions,

Get intuitive feedback, find out where you are doing poorly or well, and then gradually improve your performance.

5. Common Mistakes

#1 No rollover on impact

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

Although ball hit has an arc, height is too low and trajectory does not first rise and then fall.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

#2 Stop after touch

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

It's rubbing and ball lacks speed.

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc


Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

1 angle run

2 support legs pointing in approach direction

3 Hit middle and bottom of ball with inside of your foot

4. When hitting ball, lean your upper body forward, lock your ankles, and lift your toes slightly

5 After hitting ball, follow ball with your kicking foot across ball

Awesome break! Teach you how to hit perfect free kick arc

The most important thing to execute a good free kick is to get back on football field for training, insist on a certain amount of training and train hard!

Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 15, 2023