Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

Fakes are practical and common in competition

Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

First, body's center of gravity pretends to move in one direction and pretends to point ball in that direction

Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

But don't really touch the ball, just run your foot over it

Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

After reaching defender's feint effect, quickly move ball to opposite side

Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

Remember to keep ball under control

Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

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Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)

Let's enjoy again wonderful performance of Arsenal's hip Sanchez in game

Football training! This is most unexpected thing - to be so extraordinary when you hold ball with your back! (gift show)
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 15, 2023