Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)

Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)

Heading ball may seem unusual, but it is actually a very good exercise to improve feel of ball. Many stars hit the ball head first during regular practice or pre-game warm-ups. exactly because of this reason. Many people find head bouncing to be difficult to master, so today I'm going to introduce you to head bouncing precautions.

Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)



The ball must bounce from forehead position and head must be tilted back correctly

Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)


Bend your knees slightly, apply a little upward force as you hit ball

Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)


Don't be afraid of ball, look at ball

Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)


2. If you can't see ball when you hit it with your head, then your head isn't tilted back enough for you to see ball with your eyes.

Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)

At beginning, number of juggling balls should not be too large and gradually increase from one to two.

Head bouncing, which can greatly improve ball feel (moving image demonstration)
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May 15, 2023