Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Today I will introduce you to a technique that can not only get rid of an opponent's interception on court, but also improve off-court dribbling - V-pull

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

It is also a form of physical training that allows you to quickly improve your foot dexterity and speed of reaction to ball.

The effect is as follows:

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Step 1. Drag the ball with your toes

Correct demo:

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Error demonstration:

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Step 2. Step forward

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

First difficult step helps to better control ball

Step 3: Push ball with inside of your foot

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Step 4: Push ball towards back of your pivot foot

Correct demo:

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Error demonstration:

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Step 5: Keep your feet forward as you pull ball back

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)

Practice more, keep technical moves professional and fast.

Deftly get rid of opponent's interception - pull ball in a V-shape (teaching moving picture)
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 15, 2023