Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

Flip-foot A bizarre kick that helps a player with a weak off-foot to play with dominant foot while having to adjust to off-foot. This technical action can be used not only when shooting, but also when moving. Among active players, Neymar likes to use this trick most.

Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

At same time, over past two years, French golden boy Mbappe, who has been more popular in spotlight, has invented a new method of arranging colors to stop ball, and he can really make adjustments instantly. between body and ball at certain points in time.

Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

Kicking a flower arrangement looks very simple, but there are actually a lot of movement details that are different from our usual football. However, if you want to play a flower arrangement well, it's very easy, as long as you can understand technicalities.

Football kick with flower arrangement - technical points

Item 1. Start your run from opposite direction

  • This means that if you want to use your right foot to kick flower arrangement, you should start from normal starting position when kicking ball with your left foot. >.
  • Similarly, if you want to use your left foot to hit a flower arrangement, you should start with satellite TV, where you would normally hit ball with your right foot.
  • Starting from behind ball on right, he ends up hitting with his right foot.

    Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Item 2. Support legs position

    The pivot foot must be in opposite direction of a normal kick.

  • This means that when using right foot to insert flower foot, left foot (the pivot foot) must be on right side of ball.
  • Similarly, if you want to use your left foot to insert flower foot, place your right foot (support foot) on left side of ball.
  • The ball must be on outside of body and not on center line of body as in a regular kick.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Also keep your foot further away from ball than with a normal kick.

  • At same time, supporting foot must point in target direction.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!
  • This will give you enough leg room to swing your legs around.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Error Demonstration

    When pivot foot is too close to ball, swing foot doesn't have enough room to turn foot, and swing foot can't use correct contact position just to hit correct part of ball.

  • Many times we will see that many players unknowingly bounce on pivot leg when placing flower legs. Only in a jump can you swing your legs and kick ball.
  • At same time, even though you can hit ball without jumping, you can only hit ball with a bucket on your toes, which is a very powerful kick.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    The pivot foot must be in front of ball.

  • Usually, when hitting ball, our supporting foot remains parallel to ball or slightly behind it.
  • When laying out flowers, supporting foot should be slightly forward so that kicking foot can hit ball.
  • Pay attention to position of support legs painted red

    Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Point 3: skating leg should be bent

  • Many players will keep their pivot foot straight, but this will make your ball sluggish.
  • If you want to apply force when setting flower legs, you must keep support legs bent to a certain degree.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Error Demonstration

    If skating foot is straight, it is difficult to swing leg and hit ball on back of skating foot.

    Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Correct demonstration

    The ball can only be easily hit with a bent supporting leg.

    Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Item 4. Touching ball

    When kicking a flower arrangement, use position below lace on instep to kick ball.

  • The impact area here is same as in forward salvo.
  • Use important bone on lift to hit ball. Here bone is larger and harder. Hitting ball with this bone will generate more power.
  • At same time, he can make the ball fly further.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Item 5. Hit position

    The point where ball is hit can create a line with spin, with some side spin or top spin.

  • Lower left position to hit ball.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!
  • Wraps around ball in a forward swing.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!
  • Kick ball into top corner of opposing goal.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Point 6: toes down, instep straightened, swing forward enough

  • Keep your toes down when you hit ball.
  • Don't try to hit ball with your fingertips or outside of your foot, this will only make ball weak.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!
  • A lot of swing to get ball into top corner of goal.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • When many players use their feet for flower arrangements, most common problem is that kicking foot hits supporting foot. It will slightly affect speed of hitting ball, but seriously, you will not be able to hit ball at all or even get injured.
  • To avoid such problems, we need to strictly implement second element and third element of six elements mentioned above. Move supporting leg slightly forward and keep it bent; further skating leg is extended, less you will be able to hit with your skating leg.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!

    Studding a flower stalk - technical points

    This move may be more popular than its actual effect because it looks very elegant and cool, but it can also be very cool if you can do it well.

  • Prepare for a cross foot before pulling ball towards your non-dominant foot.
  • And hit ball with your dominant foot after your non-dominant foot.
  • After all, don't kick ball like a flower arrangement, but jump and stop ball.
  • Football Skills: The most complete technical breakdown of flower arrangement kicks, shots and passes! Use less imagination!
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    May 15, 2023