Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)

Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)

This technical move is suitable for one-on-one breakout defenders. It is simple and practical. The movement is not difficult and suitable for beginners. By shaking your body and changing direction, observe defender's position and suddenly throw ball under your feet to complete your escape.

Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)
Use one foot as a support foot and use inside of other foot to continuously push ball (the animation speed is deliberately slowed down), while body tilts and shakes horizontally with ball, creating illusion of an attack from right side of opponent, which is next step The ball breaks as an omen . Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)
When opponent is deceived to shift center of gravity to right, quickly push ball into left side of opponent with outside of right foot and push ball forward to punch the opponent. Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)
Based on skill in using this action, we can also add bicycle stepping action, which can further confuse opponent and increase success rate of our own breakthrough. Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)
Basic actions

Push ball with inside of ball-handling foot, then push ball hard with outside of ball-carrying foot when an opponent is following. Pay attention to pushing ball with inside of foot, supporting foot to jump to that side. Notice slope of upper body. After mastering upper body, wider swing, better. Shake center of defender's severity to increase deception action.

Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)

The whole process requires consistent movement and smooth connection. This step places certain demands on strength of ball and feel of ball under your feet, so more practice is required to master it.

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May 15, 2023