[Football Tutorial] Cruyff's classic move!

[Football Tutorial] Cruyff's classic move!

Cruyff turned around

[Football Tutorial] Cruyff's classic move!

That's right, Cruyff's turn is a classic out of box move by Cruyff, a football genius who has recently left us.

[Football Tutorial] Cruyff's classic move!

Technical points

  • Start turning your body before impact.
  • The inside of ball must point towards target when hit.
  • Cruyff turns around and shows off nicely

    [Football Tutorial] Cruyff's classic move!

    Close-up of Cruyff's turns and footwork

    [Football Tutorial] Cruyff's classic move!

    Demonstration of Cruyff's practical method of turning

    [Football Tutorial] Cruyff's classic move!
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    May 15, 2023