Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

1. Double ball

Legs are naturally spaced, ball is on inside of foot.

To touch ground with both feet, rise slightly on tiptoe, and use insides of both feet to continuously move ball back and forth.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

Constantly increase your speed after mastering skills

Further increases flexibility of foot for quick and effective ball control.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!
Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

The movement of ball inside foot in motion can easily be extended to croquet or strike.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!
Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

2. Drag ball to move

To touch ball with both feet while moving forward in small steps

Then stop tossing ball, then pull ball with your right or left foot, changing direction to continue tossing.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

The ball is used to set rhythm, and ball is used to set direction and angle of attack.

In a small area during practice, combine movement of inside of foot with movement of pulling ball and gradually increase frequency.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

Skillfully combine ball-pulling and ball-collecting moves, and can also effectively confuse opponent.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

3. Combined ball control action 1

A combination of two separate ball and ball motions

After touching ball in place, connect soles of your feet to pull ball, repeat exercise and gradually increase frequency of touching ball.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

When attacking field, a combination of several actions is usually used.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

4. Combined ball control action 2

Combination of a two-foot ball and a push and pull ball

First, push ball with inside of both feet, and then connect your left and right feet to push and pull ball.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

5. Third Combined Ball Control Action

Pull ball in with both feet, pull ball back with your right foot and complete turn at same time

Rotate about 90° after each movement, keep picking up ball, repeat this and increase frequency.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

Slow Motion

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

You need to be proficient with your feet, which is inseparable from constant practice of basic ball control and touch.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

6. Pulling ball by legs

Stand naturally with your feet apart, place ball in front of your right foot and keep your left leg slightly bent.

Pull ball back with ball of your right foot, then push ball behind your left foot with inside of your right foot.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

Exercise with left and right legs alternately

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

Drag ball by feet, which can be used to pass and break through.

Basic Football Skills - Hands-on training in ball skills that lays a solid foundation!

Image Source: Tiantian Football (Tom Bayer), Youtube

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May 15, 2023