Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

1. Classic body feints

The first is most classic feint. He sort of bends his knees and lowers his shoulders to break through from that direction, and then suddenly explodes in opposite direction. Below is full demo.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Drawing 1. Shoulder Drop Feint

We set up three flagpoles as defenders and set up a gate 10 yards to left and right to get rid of final rush.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 2. Site setup

When you start exercising, you can also study at home. In beginning, we can start with a static ball and focus on practicing basic skills. First, find feeling of bending knees and lowering shoulders, and then use correct position to touch ball to change direction.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Drawing 3. Dropping Shoulders and Change of Direction

After completing trick, we need to accelerate towards wicket with ball, and we need to get used to accelerating and getting rid of after completing trick so that we can finally hit opponent.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Fig. 4. Get rid of acceleration

With experience, we can begin to dribble towards marker, suddenly shifting weight to one side and then accelerating to other side.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Drawing 5. Dribbling speeds up and disappears

2. Small feint in a jump on one leg

The second is a feint in a small jump on one leg. Let's first take a look at his big picture at high speed. At first glance, it seems to be same as first one, but after decomposition, we will find subtle differences.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Picture 6 - Small jump fake

We have a little jump next to ball, this time instead of bending our knees like before, we just jump up and kick ball in opposite direction.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 7. Change of direction after a small jump

This move is suitable for players with high speed and strong acceleration abilities because it contains many subtle moves. He can make an opponent lose balance in an instant, giving himself enough time to accelerate and get rid of him.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 8. Instant imbalance creation

In all these techniques, we have to get used to punching from left and right sides, which will make movements more deceptive.

3. Cross feint with horizontal step

The third move is horizontal side step feint, which is a sharp weapon to make opponent lose balance. The exponent of this technique is Giggs, who often uses this action to relax the opponent and go home.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Drawing 9. Cross Step Feint

We take a side step when it looks like we're about to break in one direction, and then suddenly change direction to go in other direction.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 10 - Cross Step

I don't have to step in front of ball to do a cycling motion, just rotate my hips, shoulders behind ball, make my opponent think I'm going to break from that direction, and then use it outside of my crossed leg. explosive acceleration to get rid of.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 11. Hip rotation

During this process, center of gravity drops, so it's best to send body in one direction and then accelerate in other direction.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Fig. 12. Lowering center of gravity

4. The sliding step feint

Next - a feint with sliding to side. There are two typical examples of this technique being used, one by Messi and the other by Neymar.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Drawing 13. Demonstration of a sideways feint

This action is very effective. First, we take a side step towards ball, turning our shoulders and knees in same direction, and it looks like we are going to break in that direction.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 14. Lower your shoulders to one side

Next, croquet with inside of foot you just stepped on by moving inside of foot to the other foot and then pushing forward.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 15. Fried meatballs

So, when we face defenders, we first kick body's center of gravity to side, and then use toasted balls to push ball in front of us to speed up our escape.

5. False back turn

The last one is a spinning feint. Just because it's last doesn't mean it's not important. This technique is used when defender is behind us. Messi and Dybala often use this technique to get rid of him.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Picture 16. Demonstration of turnaround feint

This technique is very effective when we return. Let's take Marcelo as an example. He uses this movement very well to drop opposition winger and go straight to bottom.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Figure 17. Using postback

When we receive ball with our backs and opposing winger is behind us, or when we are in position 10 and we are closely watched by central defenders, we can turn body to side, similar to side step in third technique. Immediately after that, touch outside of foot with same foot, turn 180 degrees and accelerate to break through on other side.

Beat Defenders Quickly, 5 Simple and Practical Body Fakes

Picture 18. Body turned to side

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