Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

Starting position

The starting point of run must be approximately 45° behind side of ball.

Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

Start approach from behind, usually when passing ball with inside of foot.

Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

Foot position support

After a normal run-up, place your left foot [skating foot] about 20 cm to left of ball.

Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

Partly affected

  • Don't miss us or kick ball when you kick ball in elevator.
  • Slightly move right foot towards left side of body, touching ball with top of string and base of toe.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Correct demonstration

    Correct contact area for hitting a ground ball.

    Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Error Demonstration

    The wrong part of ball is touching ground.

    Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?


    Correct demonstration

    Swing your leg like this, hitting ball with front of your foot.

    Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Error Demonstration

    The boat turns outward so that part of ball that touches ball is inside foot.

    The effect of hitting ball in this way will be somewhat similar to the effect of passing.

    Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Turn forward

  • Stay on your feet and lean forward.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?
  • Slightly sways to one side of body.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Error Demonstration

    Never swing your legs up and forward like that, otherwise ball will fly high into sky.

  • Firstly, it is difficult to have good power and speed when hitting ball like this.
  • Secondly, many players who are just starting to pass ball will not only swing their foot in this way when practicing this pass, but also use leg swing method in many other ways of passing. Use this follow-up after any hit.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Correct demonstration

  • This kind of low and flat ball taken with forefoot should have some backspin.
  • Looks like it's standing still.
  • Slowly run forward on ground like this.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Demonstration of inflating a low flat ball from side and back

    Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Demonstration of drawing a low flat ball from side and front foot

    Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    Summing up

    45° behind ball

    Use top of foot, not instep

    Kneel over ball and swing forward to keep ball low

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The ball deflects to right of body

  • This is because tilt angle to left is too great, so at moment you hit ball, it may happen that you touch ball with your toes or even tips of your toes.
  • So don't lean too much, straighten your body a bit and try to hit ball at base of your toes.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    The ball deflects to left of body

  • This is because ankle does not straighten out when foot swings forward, meaning that instep of foot is too tight on ball.
  • The solution to this pattern is to tilt body towards this left side and hit ball with forefoot.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?

    The ball flies into air

  • This is because you hit ball too close to bottom of ball.
  • To solve this problem, you need to put your knee a little higher than ball and at same time correctly adjust point of impact.
  • Football Tips: How to use your forefoot to make a quick long pass close to ground?
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    May 15, 2023