Strength training
If you want to improve your speed, your own strength must also meet standard. For strength training, you will need a gym bag of a certain weight, and if you do not have one, you can replace it with other items of a certain weight. Do deadlifts to strengthen muscles in your upper body and legs. 15-20 times in a group, each time do 3 groups.
Altitude training
If you can reach higher, it proves that your calf muscles are well developed. Try to reach higher in regular workouts, set goals and goals for yourself.
Rebound training
Stand, stepping your feet back and forth shoulder-width apart. When falling to deepest point, front calf is perpendicular to ground and back calf is parallel to ground. Do 3 sets of 20 jumps on each leg per set.
Start learning
Get into a push-up position at starting point and start running. The distance is within 20 meters, and you can practice 3-6 times a day.
Weight training
This exercise requires a partner who controls akimbo player and is able to force player to accelerate as much as possible. The distance can be within 10-15 meters, and it can be done 5 times a day.
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