Why is a goal kick always close? (gift show)

Under normal conditions, goalkeepers rarely kick ball. Goalkeepers kick ball with their feet. Generally speaking, this kickoff method is called "big foot". In amateur games, goalkeepers don't seem to be able to use big feet, so how can they be high and far?

Strike position

The area on underside where laces are tied. Middle and lower part of blow.

Slash run

After placing ball, take four steps back and then two steps to left. Find out the approach distance and approach pace that works for you.

Payment action

After completing run-up, take a big step with your skating left foot about 20 cm to left of ball, stand with sole forward, bend knee slightly and lift right leg as far back as possible.

Strengthen your right leg, tense your muscles, lock your ankle, your hip drives your calf, and hit middle and bottom of ball.

If you're training alone, it's best to practice hitting ball straight into net while also strengthening your leg muscles.

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May 15, 2023